News insurance

Dog Insurance: Types of dog insurance

Having a pet is not easy. You can love them and get them the best treats and give them endless cuddles, but sometimes that just unfortunately isn’t enough. In the face of a serious illness, it can be a difficult situation for both of you if the best you can do is pray because the medical bills are too expensive. 

This article will introduce you to the basics of dog life insurance, what does dog insurance cover? what different types of dog insurance are there, and what fog insurance doesn’t cover.


What is a pet’s life insurance?

Like insurance for yourself, pet insurance is insurance for pets. They help in decreasing the financial burden when something bad happens to your pet’s health.

There are majorly four types of pet insurance:

  • Lifetime: This is a holistic pet insurance plan where you make annual payments and the insurance covers your pet’s treatment irrespective of the age and their condition(illness).
  • Annual: You make payments annually and you get the opportunity to change your plan preference each year.
  • Accident only: This is cheaper than other types of pet insurance plans. This plan does not cover the treatment of any illnesses your dog faces. It only covers the treatment for your dog’s accident( for example a car accident)
  • Maximum Benefit: You receive a fixed amount for treatment of any illness.

What do dog insurance plans cover?

Your dog insurance will help you with the vet bills and that will be a great help to you. 

  • Common illnesses: Dog insurance has your back when you’re treating your dog’s common illnesses such as diarrhea, cold, etc.
  • Chronic illnesses: If your dog has chronic illnesses such as arthritis or allergies, your insurance plan can help cover them too.
  • Hereditary condition: Some of our pups have a hereditary condition like hip dysplasia, blood disorders, or an eye disorder. Payments can slowly become hefty with time, this is when insurance comes into play.
  • Therapies: If your dog has aggression and requires therapy, some insurance policies also cover that.
  • Microchip implantation: Microchiping is one of the best ways to ensure your pet’s safety without stopping them from enjoying their freedom. Your insurance also covers this microchip implantation.
  • Testing and diagnostics: You may not think much of it first because of the relatively low cost compared to other ones but, when you add up the routine checkups and tests, it does dent your finances. To ensure you don’t ever have to stop because your savings couldn’t make up for the diagnostics, dog insurance is your way.

What are the types of dog insurance?

  • Accidents and illness coverage: This is the most sought-after insurance plan. It covers the illnesses, both common and chronic. And also a wide range of accident injuries like a torn ACL. However, it does not cover your wellness checkups and can be quite expensive.
  • Accidents-only coverage: This plan only covers accident-related injuries and does not cover a wide range of treatments. You can still get your diagnostics done, but if your dog has a hereditary problem, their treatment cost will be out of your pocket.
  • Wellness coverage: This is a routine wellness checkup plan. It includes deworming, vaccinations, and tick and flea prevention. It is relatively cheap compared to other plans but,

What does a dog insurance plan not cover?

  • Pre-existing condition: If your dog has a pre-existing condition, some of the insurance policies may not reimburse you for their treatment. Be transparent and question your dog insurance company what their policies are in this case. This saves confusion later in the future and will help you make proper.
  • Grooming: The grooming need of your dogs is also not taken care of by your insurance company. The cost of clipping and filing your furry friend’s paws and dying their fur unfortunately won’t be reimbursed.
  • Food and dietary supplements: Your dog’s dietary needs are also unfortunately taken care of by the insurance company.
  • Experimental treatments: Some of the human clinics may provide experimental treatments for cancer treatment for your pets. If you opt for this treatment, it unfortunately won’t cover the costs.

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How common is dog insurance?

According to the updated survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association about 70% of the households in the US own a pet and about 27% of the household have a pet insured.

What happens to pet insurance when the pet dies?

If you have to go through the unfortunate event of bidding goodbye to your pet before the coverage time is over, you can call in and get a refund for the time left since your pet passed away.

What questions should I ask when getting a life insurance policy for my pet?

You can ask them about the different plans they have for different breeds of dogs and you could also ask them for suggestions regarding which policy would best suit you. Some insurance does not cover your pet’s pre-existing condition, so it is best to ask if they do and sort it out.

What is the best age to get insurance?

You should get your pet insurance when they are young so that your bills for vaccinations and testing can be reimbursed by the insurance company. It will also protect you from any early diagnosis of any chronic illness.

Does age matter in pet insurance?

If you have an older dog then, you may find it quite difficult to find a company that would insure your dog.


Dogs have been a man’s best friend for years now. For some of us, they are like family whom we love more than our dear life. However, all that love isn’t enough when your dog falls ill. It is when you feel the burden of finances. Sometimes, you can be in a position where you have to choose whether your pet lives or you face a financial dent due to the vet bills. To make sure you don’t have to face that, pet insurance comes to the rescue. 

Do not think this is a ‘bad investment’, for you know the value of your pet’s life. This will make sure you sleep easy at night and your pet gets the necessary attention they need on time.

News insurance

What is umbrella insurance and why do you need it?


Umbrella insurance is the secondary layer of protection for when your primary insurance fails to cover your liabilities. You could save your life’s savings and protect your hard-earned assets at a small additional cost for umbrella insurance. 

This article will walk you through what umbrella insurance is, what it covers, how much it costs, what it and what it does, why you need it, and how it can help you.


What is umbrella insurance?

It is a supplement that helps cover the liabilities that your initial insurance plan for automobiles, or other aspects of your life, has exhausted. To understand it more clearly, it simply is a backup insurance plan for your other insurance plans to ensure that one accident does not get you bankrupt. It springs into action when your insurance limits are exhausted. Your assets are safe till you hit the limit of your umbrella insurance.

Examples of umbrella insurance; how does it work?

Here are some real user reviews about umbrella insurance and its working procedures.

Here are some real user reviews about umbrella insurance and its working procedures.

umbrella insurance and its working procedures

umbrella insurance and its working procedures

What does umbrella insurance cover?

  • Injuries to others(Both mental and physical).
  • Damage to someone else’s property.
  • Lawsuits where you are accused of defaming someone else.
  • Lawsuits where you are the one being slandered.
  • Liable cases beyond your own country. (Injuries, damages or lawsuits abroad)

(Be thorough with the terms and conditions of your policy, they tend to differ from company to company)

How much does an umbrella insurance policy cost?

The cost differs from company to company. However, we can generalize the cost; on average, it costs about $150-$250 to get the $1M  umbrella coverage. It additionally costs another $100 for an additional $1M coverage.

Why do you need an umbrella insurance policy?

If you have amassed a lot of wealth or were born into it, it would be smart to get the umbrella insurance policy because the chances of you being sued are very high. It does not protect you from legal obligations but, it protects a large portion of your assets just in case you lose your case.

That does not mean people with a normal day job should not get it. Understand this, the person suing you won’t ask for how much you can offer but how much they can take. And you never know when you encounter a bad accident or when you mistakenly cause damage to someone else’s property. So, get your policy as soon as you can.

What is not covered by an umbrella policy?

  • Your bodily injury
  • Your property
  • Your criminal acts if they prove to be true
  • Damages caused by war, nuclear radiation, or terrorism.
  • Your business losses

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Is it an insurance for an insurance policy?

Though it may sound like it, this is not an insurance policy for an insurance policy. Rather it is a supplement to what your primary insurance does not cover.

Is an umbrella insurance policy expensive?

It costs about $150-$200 for $1M coverage and it is an additional $100 for extra $1M coverage.

Do I get a free attorney if I have an umbrella insurance policy?

Yes, it also covers your attorney charge if you are fighting a wrongly sued lawsuit. So, it is a free attorney.

Why should I get umbrella insurance?

If you have high net worth you shouldn’t delay in getting your umbrella insurance. However, even if you aren’t wealthy, there is no surety that you won’t come across a big lawsuit or a bad accident. People can and will sue you for more than you can pay. So, getting it would be a wise move.

Is it necessary to get umbrella insurance?

If you’re wealthy, yes. If you’re not, still yes. The liability you can come across can always be bigger than you anticipate. So, why retain risk when you can transfer it?

Is umbrella insurance a waste of money?

No, if you have a significant asset, you can get umbrella insurance. Nobody knows when you come across a legality that can get you sued or take away all your assets. It will ensure you sleep easily at night.

Will my umbrella insurance cover my injuries?

No, it won’t cover your injuries but, the injuries you’ve committed to others.

Does Nepal have umbrella insurance?

Unfortunately, Nepal does not have umbrella insurance as of now.


From a practical point of view; you own a car with airbags. Why? So that you’re safe in case an accident happens. This does not necessarily mean you’re anticipating getting hit on the highway every time you drive. However, you wouldn’t want to get a cheaper car with no airbags and just trust your skillful driving. You never know what accidents you may get into or what lawsuits you may get involved in, this insurance is a precaution to ensure your lifestyle does not change in case it happens.

You wouldn’t get a car without airbags even if they were cheaper by a landslide, would you? Would you advise a loved one to skip the airbags?

News Finance

Index funds in Nepal: Is there index fund in Nepal?

First and foremost, Nepal unfortunately does not have index funds. But that does not mean SEBON (Security Exchange Board of Nepal) won’t introduce index funds in Nepal in the future. Or, if you’re not in Nepal but are interested in investing here, this is the perfect article for you which will give you all the information you need about index funds (in Nepal’s context).

Through this article, you will understand what an index fund is, what an index is, what are the benefits of investing in index funds, the drawbacks of investing in index funds, and whether index funds in Nepal should be initiated or not.


What is an index fund?

An index fund is an investment fund that pools the money that you invest and reinvests that money into other companies. This enables you to get a diversified market portfolio and thus minimizes your risk. But you know how the saying goes, lower the risk, lower the return. However, do note that index funds won’t rise and fall like individual stocks. Instead, it keeps rising gradually over time. 

Should Index funds be introduced in Nepal?

Weighing both the pros and cons of index funds, it is safe to say that introducing Index Funds in Nepal would be a plus point. It is the question of whether the Security Board of Nepal would change the current regulatory framework to initiate Index Funds in Nepal. Nepal now has a growing economy as compared to the past 10 years according to Central Beaurea of Statistics Nepal, meaning both the companies and interested investors can earn and prosper in the long run using index funds. 

Index Fund is the easiest way to enter the capital market if you’re a beginner or do not have time to analyze the market and trade actively. Either way, it is a safe way for people to invest their money with relatively low risk.

What is an index?

It is a way of measuring the performance of the market by looking at a sample of stocks or a group of stocks. Now you may feel like you could create an index but, only the established financial companies design and maintain indexes.

To understand this better, you can learn about these three indexes:

  • NYSE Composite Index: The NYSE Composite Index shows the combined value of all common stocks listed in the New York Stock Exchange. This includes stocks from various sectors and industries, providing us with an overview of the entire NYSE(New York Stock Exchange).
  • S&P 500 index: S&P 500 or the Standard and Poor’s 500 measures the performance of all the 500 large companies listed in the United States. It is one of the most widely followed equity indices and is a major indicator of the U.S. stock market’s health.
  • S&P Mid Cap Index: This is a part of the S&P Dow Jones Indices Family. It measures the performance of 400 medium-sized companies listed on the Stock Exchange in the United States. 

What are the advantages of index funds in Nepal?

  • Easy to manage: If you are not actively trading stocks and don’t have the time, index funds are the best option. You do not have to worry about the stock market and the constant movement in the stock market.
  • Tax Benefits: You pay tax when you make a transaction, but since there are fewer transactions in index funds, fewer capital gains are leading you to enjoy tax benefits.
  • Low fees: You need not actively manage and trade in the stock market, this reduces costs compared to actively managing funds.
  • Broad Market Exposure: When you invest in index funds, you get market exposure to different stocks from different sectors. This lowers the risk.

What are the disadvantages of index funds in Nepal?

  • No control over the portfolio: You invest in index funds you do not get to pick and choose what stocks you want. Index funds are passively managed and you cannot select individual stocks of your choice. And even if your stock’s value is declining, you cannot sell them and the index funds will passively hold onto them.
  • Long wait: To reap the full benefits of index funds, you need to play the waiting game. If you want a quick return in a short period, index funds are probably not meant for you.

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How do Index funds make you money?

The amount you invest is invested in other companies and dividends, interests, capital gains are paid to the investors regularly.

Can I invest in an index fund in India from Nepal?

You can invest in the Indian Stock Market according to the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) of RBI(Reserve Bank of India) but will require a mutual fund account in India.

What are the three major index funds globally?

As of 26th December 2023, the top index funds are: NYSE Composite Funds, S&P 500, and S&P 400 are the major index funds in the global market.

Should I invest in Index Funds?

If you want to enter the stock market but, do not have the time to actively participate in trade or want to bear minimal risks, index funds are the way to go.

Are index funds better than Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds are comparatively more flexible than index funds because they are passively managed and you cannot actively react to the change in the market.

Is there index fund in Nepal

Currently, Nepal does not have any index funds available. However, there is a possibility that index funds may be introduced in the future.


The growing economy, stock literacy of the people, and the want of the people to enter the stock market seem like a green light for SEBON(Security Board of Nepal) to introduce Index funds in Nepal. Index Funds would increase investment in the capital market and also make it easier to track investments and capital gains.

News Finance

What is the difference between a limit order and a stop order?


Entering the world of trading is a fascinating journey, and understanding stock orders is essential to navigating it properly. Consider these orders as the instruments that assist you in managing and organizing your trades. We’ll be concentrating on two crucial instruments today: limit orders and stop orders.


What is a Limit Order?

Limit orders are the preferred tool for price pickers who are extremely precise. They provide you the authority to specify the precise price you wish to sell or buy. Pros include managing trades at certain levels in a logical manner, while also preventing market fluctuations and controlling execution prices. But, there needs to be assurance of prompt execution, which is a trade-off, particularly in erratic markets.

What is a stop order?

Image Stop Orders as safeguards. They operate as protectors of gains or stops against losses by setting off market orders at a predetermined price. Their specialties include risk management, profit locking with buy stops, and loss limiting on open trades with sell stops. 

They may have slippage in erratic markets and have no control over execution prices, but their value in tactical buy/sell opportunities cannot be disputed.

Difference between limit order and stop order

FeatureLimit OrderStop Order
Common UsesBuying at a specific price or lower, selling at a specific price or higherProtecting profits, limiting losses, entering trades during a breakout
TypesBuy limit, sell limitBuy stop, sell stop, trailing stop
Best forPrecise entry/exit, managing price riskRisk management, locking in profits, capitalizing on breakouts, limiting losses
Price ControlYou set the priceNo control (except with stop-limit orders)
ExecutionOnly if the specified price is reachedTriggers market order when price hits stop price

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What’s a limit order and a stop order?

A limit order sets a specific price to buy or sell a stock. A stop order triggers a market order when a stock reaches a certain price.

What is the difference between a limit order and a stop order?

The difference is in their purpose: a limit order specifies a price, while a stop order triggers at a designated price to minimize losses or secure gains.

Can I put a limit order and a stop order at the same time?

Yes, you can place both a limit order and a stop order simultaneously for the same stock.

What is the difference between a limit order and a stop order?

In short, a limit order has a set price, while a stop order triggers at a specified price; both can be used together.


As we come to the end of our exploration of limit and stop orders, keep in mind their distinct uses and subtleties. Your decision between these tools influences your trading strategy, regardless of whether you want strategic risk control or pricing precision. Your trading initiatives are fruitful as you ponder your objectives and risk tolerance. If you want to go deeper, think about learning more or speaking with a financial counselor.


How do you study abroad when you have no money and poor grades?

It can seem overwhelming to start the path of studying abroad, particularly in the face of financial difficulties and subpar academic results. Nevertheless, it is feasible to make this desire come true with perseverance and thoughtful preparation. 

This is a thorough guide to overcoming the difficulties brought on by scarce resources and academic failures.


Financed but Failing Grades image with money and bad grades

Focus on Academic Recovery

Make improving your GPA a top priority by making thoughtful changes to your study strategy, utilizing specialized tutoring, and using academic support services. A significant improvement can make up for prior academic setbacks.

Consider Alternative Programs

Look into study abroad initiatives that don’t have as strict of a GPA requirement, such as ones that emphasize volunteer work or language immersion. Emphasize extracurricular activities, relevant professional experience, or personal essays to highlight your skills beyond grades.

Good grades, but bad finances.

Bad finances but, good grades

a boy holding a good report card in a poor household

Let the Scholarship Seeker Out

Find and apply for a variety of scholarships that are appropriate for your field, experience, or financial situation by doing extensive research. When applying for scholarships, be tenacious and meticulous, emphasizing your special talents and goals.

Examine Cost-Effective Locations

Select study-abroad locations that provide reduced living expenses and program fees. More economical solutions are frequently available in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe. Look at out-of-the-ordinary places that might have less financial obstacles.

Seek Work-Study Opportunities

To assist with living expenses, look for study abroad programs that include integrated internships or part-time work. Teaching English overseas can be a good choice if you’re looking for financial support as well as an immersion experience.

Bad grades and bad finances

image with bad report card and bad finances and a sad boyCombination of Strategies

To take advantage of the most scholarship options, select cost-effective programs, and exhibit academic progress, combine the aforementioned strategies. Make the most of your special qualities to write a study abroad application that stands out.

Emphasis on Non-standard Options

As alternatives to standard semester-long programs, consider summer study abroad programs, online courses with foreign components, or volunteer work. Developing international experience in non-traditional ways can save money.

Develop a Resume for Non-Academic Fields

To improve your application overall, gain relevant experience through volunteer work, personal projects, or internships. Demonstrate your dedication, enthusiasm, and will to succeed beyond test scores.


Studying overseas can be life-changing, and you can still make the adventure even if you don’t have a lot of money or don’t get the best grades. Your dreams can become a reality if you have a little bit of perseverance, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. 

For people who are passionate about seeing the globe outside of their country, there are options to consider, including loans, part-time employment, crowdfunding, low-cost programs, and scholarships. Recall that with the correct approach and persistence, studying abroad can become a reality. After all, where there’s a will, there’s a way.


1. Is studying abroad even possible with no money and bad grades?

Yes! While challenging, it’s achievable. Numerous scholarships, budget-friendly options, and alternative programs cater to various situations. Focus on showcasing your potential beyond grades and exploring financial assistance avenues.

2. What scholarship options are available for students with low grades?

Numerous scholarships prioritize need-based criteria over academic excellence. Research scholarships tailored to your field, background, or financial hardship. Apply to multiple programs and don’t be afraid to highlight exceptional extracurricular activities or personal achievements.

3. Are there affordable destinations for studying abroad?

Absolutely! Explore options in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, or Latin America, where living costs and program fees are often lower. Consider non-traditional programs like language immersion or volunteer work, which can be budget-friendly.

4. How can I improve my chances with low grades?

Demonstrate proactive academic improvement. Seek tutoring, utilize academic support services, and showcase positive changes in your course performance. Highlight other strengths in your application essay, like relevant work experience or impactful volunteer work.

5. Can I work my way through studying abroad?

Yes! Look for programs with integrated work-study opportunities or internships. Teaching English abroad or freelance work can also be viable options to manage expenses. Choose destinations with favorable visa arrangements for student employment.

6. What alternative options exist if I have both financial and academic limitations?

Summer study abroad programs, online courses with international components, or volunteer projects offer shorter, more affordable international experiences. These can build your resume and enhance your application for future study abroad opportunities.


News Finance

Stop Order: When to place an stop order?

What is a Stop order?

The stock market is a crazy place where prices fluctuate like a rollercoaster. The wonderful thing is that you have tools at your disposal to assist you in maintaining control. It is one of these instruments, and it’s like having your superhero cape for handling stock price fluctuations.

Stop order

So, to put it simply, what is a stop order? Essentially, it’s a letter that you give to your broker instructing them to purchase or sell a stock at a specific price. We refer to this particular position as the “stop price.” Consider it a warning indicator, similar to a red flag, alerting your broker to a potential trade opportunity when the stock hits a price you have already determined. It’s how you keep yourself informed and safeguard your investment.


What are the types of Stop orders?

Sell stops

Consider sell stops to be safety valves for your financial investments. The system automatically sells your shares if the price of a stock drops below a certain threshold that you establish (for example, $45 for a stock that you purchased at $50). This protects your gains if the market declines and helps you minimize your losses if things go south.

Buy Stops

Consider buy stops as buttons for automatic purchases. The method will automatically purchase shares for you whenever a stock hits a preset price (let’s say $25 for a stock now trading at $20). In this manner, you can profit from a possible increase in the stock’s value without investing too soon.

Trailing Stops

Consider trailing stops as traffic-sensitive smart lights. These stops fluctuate in value in tandem with asset prices, consistently remaining a certain percentage below the going rate. You have more room for gains if the price increases because the stop price also increases. 

The stop price moves with the price, shielding you from sharp declines.

How does Stop Order work?

Select Your Indicator

Select a pricing point; it’s like putting up a warning sign for the market. This point may be either above the current price (buy stop) or below it (sell stop).

Await the Signal

Visualize a dance floor in the market. Similar to waiting for a rollercoaster to reach the peak before beginning the ride, your order remains silent until the market reaches the price you have selected.

The signal is on! It’s Action Time

 Whoa! When the market hits the price you’ve set, your order goes into effect and becomes a market order.

Market Order Takes Over

The market is now taking the lead. Due to fluctuations in the market, the price at which your order is filled may fluctuate somewhat from the one you have selected.

Purchase or Dispose as Scheduled

Your order will either seize the security (buy stop) or release it (sell stop) according to the signal you have selected. Imagine it like automatically getting off the rollercoaster at the precise location you select.

When do you place a stop order?

  • Locking in Wins

Don’t forget to lock in your wins if you’re having them! Put a sell-stop order below the going rate. Your shares automatically sell if the market declines past that amount, protecting your earnings.

  • Reducing Losses

If your stock isn’t doing well, set a cap on how much you can lose. Put a sell stop below the purchase price. Your order takes effect and lessens your losses if the stock continues to decline.

  • Seizing Chances

Do you believe a stock is going to rise? Place a purchase-stop order above the going rate. Your order is automatically placed if the stock rises beyond that threshold, allowing you to profit from the upward trend.

  • Playing it Safe When Wagering Against 

Exercise caution when wagering on a stock’s decline. Above the price of your short entry, place a purchase stop. Your order limits the amount you could lose if the stock rises suddenly.

  • Avoiding Market Jitters

Exercise caution when the market is erratic. When making new investments during volatile times, use stop orders. By doing this, you can stay out of the unexpected declines and increases in the market.

What are the examples of Stop orders?

Avoiding Big Losses

Sarah paid $50 for each of the 100 shares of ABC Company that she now owns. She puts in an order to sell them automatically if the price goes to $40 or less to make sure she doesn’t lose too much money. That way, if things don’t work out, she will have less money to lose.

Seizing Chances

David is monitoring XYZ stock, which is trading at $20. Though he is cautious about making an early purchase, he believes it may rise. Therefore, he places a buy order that will be automatically filled if the stock price rises to $25 or higher. In this manner, he can ride the wave and possibly profit if the stock continues to rise.

Playing it Safe When Betting Against a Stock

Maya is “shorting” the DEF stock, which is speculating that it will decline. She places an order to automatically purchase the stock if its price hits $45 or higher to safeguard herself if the stock unexpectedly rises. If things don’t work out as planned, this helps her reduce the amount of money she could lose.

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What needs to happen to stop disequilibrium from occurring?

Disequilibrium in the market occurs when there's an imbalance between supply and demand. To fix this, market forces must come into play. This could mean adjusting prices, increasing production or consumption, or reducing trade barriers. Essentially, it's about finding a balance between what's being supplied and what's being demanded.

What is a buy-stop order?

A buy-stop order is like setting a trigger for a shopping spree. It activates a market buy order only if the stock price reaches or goes beyond a specific level. It's a way to automatically jump into a trade when the price starts going up, capturing potential profit opportunities.

What is a stop-limit order to sell?

Think of a stop-limit sell order as a safety net with preferences. It instructs your broker to sell a security only if the price reaches or falls below a certain level, but it should be at a limited price or better. This ensures that you get the best possible selling price.

How does a stop-limit order work?

A stop-limit order is like having a watchful eye on the market. It monitors the current price, and when it reaches a set stop price, it triggers a sell order. However, it adds an extra layer by setting a limit price. It attempts to sell at that limit price or better, but it might execute at a different price if market conditions change.

What is a stop market order?

A stop-market order is like hitting the sell button without hesitation. It triggers a market sell order immediately when the stop price is reached, regardless of the execution price. This prioritizes speed over having strict control over the selling price. It's a quick way to get out of a trade when the market hits a specific point.


To successfully navigate the ever-changing financial markets, stop orders are an indispensable instrument. These tools enable investors to manage their portfolios proactively, whether it’s by using buy-stop orders to capture possible breakouts, stop-limit orders to make smart sell decisions, or stop market orders to react quickly to market fluctuations. People may improve their risk management, safeguard earnings, and take advantage of market chances by learning how to use stop orders wisely. This will ultimately help them adopt a more robust and controlled attitude to their investing journey.

News Finance

Can a Nepali citizen invest in foreign shares

Can a Nepali citizen invest in foreign shares is the most asked question nowadays. Buying and selling stocks is the topmost and trending topic that has been arising today in Nepal. Investing globally can offer more chances to grow your money. It allows you to benefit from worldwide economic improvements and provides a broader range of investment options. We will discuss the investment opportunities that are possible for Nepali citizens.


Let’s first understand the stock market in Nepal. Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) established in 1994, actively supports the national economy by facilitating the buying and selling of shares, channeling funds to businesses, and fostering investment. 

Operating under the regulations of the Securities Board of Nepal, NEPSE employs modern technologies for efficient online trading. It lists companies from various sectors, allowing investors to trade shares during specified hours. NEPSE’s indices offer insights into market performance, attracting both domestic and international investors and contributing to the overall development of Nepal’s financial landscape.

Can a Nepali citizen invest in foreign shares?

As you know, Nepal has strict capital controls. According to the act provided by the Nepal Law Commission, Nepali citizens cannot lawfully invest abroad unless they acquire special permission from the Nepal government or Nepal Rastra Bank. Act Restricting Investment Abroad, 2021(1964)

Act Restricting Investment Abroad
Act Restricting Investment Abroad

This act is so old that King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev adopted it with the approval of the national panchayat. Although King Mahendra died, as did Nepal’s kingdom, this statute remains in place today.

According to the law, those in violation would face a fine equal to the investment and/or imprisonment for up to six months. Nepalese citizens are unable to transfer funds outside of the nation except for medical, travel, and educational needs.

What is the objective of this law?

Looking at it objectively, there are positive sides to this Act. Without it, Rich individuals might invest in foreign assets, leaving our homeland barren to gain higher investment returns. As we know Nepal’s economy requires a lot of investment, and NEPSE, in its early days, needs more attention and care to grow, even if it’s somewhat enforced.

The goal of the government is to stop money from leaving the nation. Similar to Nepal, a lot of countries with lower reserves of foreign currency prevent their citizens from making large-scale foreign exchange investments abroad. As a result, residents of these economies—including Nepal—are prohibited from making outside investments.

Some believe this law is illogical, outdated, and badly worked out. They believe that investment in any nation that allows such acts should be open to Nepalese citizens as well as all other free people. Still, laws are laws, and we have to follow them, particularly if they are provided by our constitution.

Understanding Act Restricting Investment Abroad, 2021(1964)

Some individuals may experience confusion regarding the “Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act, 2019” and the “Act Restricting Investment Abroad 2021,” mistakenly believing that these acts permit Nepalese citizens to invest in foreign stock exchanges.

Here is the fact: 

The 2019 Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act (FITTA) intended to bring in foreign investment, technology, and money for the export expansion and substitution of import industries. Similar to the “Act Restricting Investment Abroad 2021,” the FITTA bans people of Nepal from investing abroad. To improve the national economy and make it profitable, strong, and employment-oriented for long-term economic growth, the focus is instead on attracting foreign investment and technology.

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Does Nepal's judicial system monitor or keep an eye on the situation?

The government is monitoring but the fact many people use the loophole and invest in India and other countries. Nepal Law Commission may have personal insight on the matter.

How do I buy international stocks from Nepal?

Nepali citizens are not allowed to invest in foreign shares according to the policies of the Nepal Government and the central bank. If the Nepal government allowed Nepali citizens to purchase stocks from other countries, currencies that are accepted in the international market like Euros, USD, Yen, GBP, or Chinese Yuan are required. If you have an international bank account in any of these, it's better. Next, open a brokerage account with a company that lets you trade on different stock markets. Fidelity Investments is one such option, but it doesn't accept accounts from Nepal.


Nepal implemented tight capital controls under the 1964 Act Restricting Investment Abroad. This regulation requires formal authorization for international investments, which has drawn controversy. However, it should be noted that the major goal of this regulation is to promote domestic economic growth. Nepal’s government is not now interested in promoting a free market environment for foreign investments. After reading the blog you might be clear about Can a Nepali citizen invest in foreign shares.

News Finance

How does the share market work in Nepal?

The share market allows investors to acquire and sell company stock through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Investors trade through brokerage companies, which use a computerized system to match orders. The clearing and settlement processes maintain transaction security. 

Market activity is monitored to avoid manipulation. Share ownership is broad, with the government monitoring safety issues. Overall, the stock market allows businesses to raise capital and investors to take part in economic growth. let’s first understand about the NEPSE. 


What is NEPSE?

The Nepal Stock Exchange, or NEPSE, is Nepal’s only stock market and plays an important role in the country’s share market. It offers investment options to investors and advises individuals interested in Nepal’s economic activity. NEPSE was founded in 1993 and had 226 businesses listed by June 2023, with a total market value of Rs. 306,196 crore (US$24 billion) as of February 2023. NEPSE has 76 accredited brokerage firms across the country to help people buy and sell.

What is the share ownership in the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE)?

NEPSE is primarily owned by the Government of Nepal, holding 58.66% of the ownership. Other major shareholders contribute to the remaining ownership, as indicated in the table below.

Government Of Nepal (GON)58.66
Nepal Rasta Bank (NRB)24.60
Employees Provident Fund10
Other Shareholders16.74

How does the share market work in Nepal?

Here are the key components of how the share market works in Nepal:

  • Company Registration: Companies that wish to be listed on the stock exchange must register with the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) and meet specific criteria, including financial stability and observance of regulations.
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO): A company, after meeting the regulatory requirements, can issue shares to the public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO). This is the first time the company’s shares are made available for public purchase.
  • Investor Account Opening: Individuals who want to buy or sell shares in the stock market need to open a Demat (Dematerialized) account with a registered brokerage firm. This account holds your shares in electronic form, eliminating the need for physical share certificates.
  • Broker Selection: Investors need to choose a stockbroker registered with NEPSE. The broker facilitates the buying and selling of shares on behalf of the investor.
  • Placing Orders: Investors can place orders through their broker, specifying the quantity and price at which they want to buy or sell shares. There are three types of orders: market orders (buy/sell at the current market price), limit orders (buy/sell at a specific price), and stop orders, which are executed as market orders after the stock hits a specific price.
  • Order Matching: NEPSE operates a computerized trading system. The buy and sell orders are matched based on price and time priority. The matching process results in executed trades.
  • Clearing and Settlement: After a trade is executed, the clearing and settlement process takes place. NEPSE’s clearinghouse ensures the delivery of shares to the buyer and payment to the seller. This process helps in maintaining the integrity of trades.
  • Market Indices: NEPSE maintains various market indices like the NEPSE Index and the Sensitive Index, reflecting the overall market performance. Investors often use these indices as benchmarks.
  • Market Surveillance: SEBON and NEPSE closely monitor market activities to ensure fair and transparent trading. They have rules and regulations in place to prevent market manipulation and insider trading.
  • Dividends and Corporate Actions: Companies may issue dividends to shareholders, and there can be corporate actions like stock splits or mergers. Investors are entitled to participate in these events based on their shareholding.
  • Continuous Disclosure: Listed companies are required to provide regular financial reports and updates to SEBON, NEPSE, and the public. This ensures transparency and helps investors make informed decisions.
  • Investor Education and Awareness: SEBON and NEPSE also focus on investor education and awareness programs to empower investors with knowledge about the stock market, investment risks, and financial literacy.

By following these steps, investors participate in the buying and selling of shares on the Nepal Stock Exchange, contributing to the overall functioning of the stock market in the country.

How Your Order Is Processed?

With so many investors distributed over the world, it is unrealistic for everyone to assemble in one area to make their trades. This is where stockbrokers and brokerage businesses come in. When you decide to buy a stock at a given price, your broker handles the transaction at the exchange. Behind the scenes, numerous parties work together to ensure that everything operates well. Meanwhile, the exchange verifies the information of both buyers and sellers to avoid any defaults. After validating everything, it permits the real transfer of ownership of the shares, also known as settlement.

Previously, settling deals took weeks, but today it takes only T+2 days. For example, if you trade today, your shares will be in your demat account the day after tomorrow, or two working days later. The exchange assures that the trade is respected upon settlement. Whether the seller possesses the stock or not, the buyer will get their shares. If settlements are not upheld, the integrity of the stock market suffers since trades may not be fulfilled.

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How to buy stocks for beginners?

Open a brokerage account, research stocks, choose a stock, and place a buy order.

How to study the share market for beginners?

Read beginner-friendly books, follow financial news, and use online resources to understand market basics.

What is the basic knowledge of the share market?

Understand stock terminology, learn about company financials, and grasp the concept of buying and selling shares.


NEPSE is Nepal’s main stock market. Companies register, conduct IPOs, and get listed. Investors open accounts, place orders, and trade through NEPSE’s system. The market is monitored for fairness, and disclosure is mandatory for listed companies. NEPSE is mostly owned by the government. This process allows investors to participate in Nepal’s stock market and contribute to its growth.

News Finance

How do I know the IPO allotment time on the date of the allotment

The IPO allotment date is the day on which the allotment status is made public on the IPO registrar’s website. IPO allotment result times can vary, so it’s advisable to check closer to the allotment date. 


How do I know the IPO allotment time on the date of the allotment?

There are several ways to verify whether you have been allotted shares in an IPO:

  1. Stock Exchange’s Official Website (e.g., NEPSE): Visit the official website of the stock exchange where the IPO is listed. Look for the IPO allotment section to check your status.
  2. Registrar’s Website: The registrar handling the IPO usually provides an online platform to check allotment status. Visit their official website and enter the required details.
  3. Financial News Sites or Company’s Website: Stay updated with financial news sites or check the official website of the company issuing the IPO for any announcements regarding allotment.
  4. Broker’s Platform: Log in to your broker’s platform and check your IPO application status. If you have been allotted shares, the status will indicate ‘allotment received’; otherwise, it will show ‘allotment not received.’

How would I know if I have been allotted the shares?

How would I know if I have been allotted the shares

The list of people who were allotted shares is made public by the issuer’s manager on the day of allotment. Online platforms are so easily accessible, this information can be obtained quickly after it is made public. IPO result check can be performed by yourself on the CDSC official site, mero share, and IPO Issue Manager’s Website.

However, If you receive an allotment, you can expect notifications through various channels:

  • Registrar’s Email Notification: The registrar will inform you about the IPO allotment on the Refund day through an email. This email will provide detailed information about the allotment.
  • Broker’s Communication: Your broker will notify you through SMS and Email if you have received an IPO allotment. Additionally, they will keep you informed about the shared credit in your account on the refund day.
  • Depository Notification: On the refund day, your Depository will inform you about the credit of shares in your account resulting from the IPO allotment.

Stay attentive and monitor these channels to stay informed about the status of your IPO application.

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How do I know if my IPO is successful?

The IPO allotment status can be verified on the registrar's website. It can also be found on the CDSC official website and the Mero sharing site.

How can I check my FPO result in Nepal?

The public can easily obtain the IPO outcomes via Mero Share, the company's official website, and the sales manager's website.

What is the IPO Allotment Status?

The IPO Allotment Status certifies and details the distribution of shares to investors in an IPO, including the quantity of awarded shares based on parameters such as subscription amount and demand. Investors can verify the outcome of their IPO application by checking its status online using their application or folio number.

Is IPO allotment based on luck?

If the number of investors significantly exceeds the available IPO shares, the IPO selection process is likely conducted through a lottery draw. Additionally, if the number of investors and the total available shares (kitta) are divisible by the minimum allocation of 10 kitta per investor, the distribution is carried out accordingly.

How can I increase my chances of getting an IPO allotment?

Go for a single lot, spice things up with multiple demat accounts, nail that cut-off cost, dodge technical rejections, grab some shares of the parent company, and don't forget to dive into the retail category.


To check IPO allotment, visit the registrar’s site on the allotment date. Use stock exchange sites, registrar platforms, and financial news sites. If allotted, the list is published on platforms like CDSC and Mero Share. Notifications come via email from the registrar, SMS, email from your broker, and Depository notifications on the refund day. Stay vigilant, as allotment times vary. You can buy and sell shares at any time during the trading hour; however, it is advisable to sell your IPO shares when you receive a favorable price.

News Finance

How can I buy and sell shares in Nepal?

In the share market, there are two main types of markets: the primary market and the secondary market. The primary market is just for the IPO issuing whereas the secondary market is the real stock market. 

In this blog, we will explore the process of buying and selling shares in Nepal, providing an overview of how the share market operates in Nepal.


Primary Market:

New securities are issued and sold in the primary market for the first time. This process is known as an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Companies use the primary market to buy and sell shares in Nepal to the public. Investors can participate in the IPO and become shareholders of the company. Shares that the corporation directly issues in the primary market are: 

  • IPO(initial public offer)
  • FPO(further public issue)
  • Right and bonus share

Secondary Market:

The secondary market, also known as the stock exchange, is where existing securities are bought and sold among investors without the involvement of the issuing company. It provides liquidity to investors by allowing them to trade stocks freely. 

A secondary market is one where investors trade stocks/shares among themselves. Once you have a DEMAT account, now let’s say you want to buy stocks/shares of XYZ company, but the XYZ company is not open for IPO i.e. company is not offering any shares in the primary market. To buy the shares of XYZ Company, you have to go to a broker’s office to buy shares which is the secondary market. To choose the best shares to buy in Nepal, carefully analyze the fundamentals of a company.

How can I buy and sell shares in Nepal?

How can I buy and sell shares in Nepal
How can I buy and sell shares in Nepal?

To sell your shares you must have a TMS account (Broker account) as you cannot buy and sell shares using the mero share or DEMAT account. Your shares are stored in the DEMAT account, which works similarly to a bank account. Meroshare account is made especially for settling transactions and submitting applications for initial public offerings (IPOs).

  • Bank account
  • DEMAT Account(from the same bank is advised).
  • Broker Account (most important)

Make a DEMAT account if you don’t already have one. Open a broker account with any licensed broker in Nepal by going to the broker’s office to trade shares online. Complete the form to finalize the KYC verification. Only after the broker has confirmed the KYC is online trading enabled. 

Online and offline trading are both possible. Select an online account if you want to trade online; if you have an offline account, you can only trade through a broker. After confirming the KYC form, the broker creates the investor’s account in the Trading Management System (TMS) and emails the investor’s login and password to the address they have provided.

By changing the password, investors can trade by logging in to the broker account. The TMS login will also be provided by the broker’s office.

To visit the TMS login, Go to your Broker’s website and click TMS USER LOGIN. Or you can search by your broker no on Google. For example, Broker No. 38.

There are more than 50 licensed brokers in the market. You can visit the login page by directly searching the broker name or number.


1. Login Page

After you open the TMS login page, enter your username and password then enter capha and press login.


2. TMS Dashboard

This is the TMS dashboard after the login process.

TMS dashboard

3. Buy and sell shares

Click on buy or sell under order management on the left to post an order. A screen for order entry will then show up. Click buy if you want to buy, and click sell if you want to sell.

order management buy sell

4. Buying Shares

Click Buy in the upper right corner if you wish to purchase. When you choose “BUY”, a blue screen dashboard will show up.

Choose ‘Equity’ as the share type. Enter the stock symbol to choose the company. On the same order page, enter the desired price and the number of shares depending on the displayed price range and click “BUY.”

Buying Shares

5. Selling Shares

To sell your shares, do the same and click “Sell” in the upper right corner of the screen. When you select “Sell,” a red dashboard will show up.

Enter the number of shares, the selling price, and the stock symbol in the same manner as before. After that, select “Sell”.

Selling Shares

Note: You can make changes or cancel your order if any trader has not placed the order to buy or sell the stocks at the same price you have placed the order. To make changes go to Order Management, and in the Order Book section, you can modify and delete. Choose “Modify” next to your order to adjust the quantity or price for buying or selling. After making changes, click “Place Order” to continue or “Cancel” to stop the transaction.

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In conclusion, the share market has two main parts: the primary market issues new securities like IPOs, while the secondary market involves buying and selling existing securities. To trade shares in Nepal, get a bank account, a DEMAT account (preferably from the same bank), and a broker account. Online trading involves logging into the broker’s system, selecting buy or sell, entering details, and allowing for order modifications or cancellations