
How to Watch Live Cricket Streaming: 100% free and working

Live Cricket Streaming
Live Cricket Streaming

Hey, Fans of Cricket!

Welcome to our site, where you will learn how to watch live cricket streaming for free and without having to listen to the annoying noises that are frequently heard on Facebook’s live portal, like “link me click karey, etc.”

We’ll show you how to watch live cricket streaming easily, whether you choose to use a computer or a mobile device.


Detailed Process:

It is a simple website through which you can watch the live streaming of cricket provided by various channels like StarSports, PTV Sports, A Sports HD, and many more.

It’s completely free and no need to be worried about any ads. To get into the site Click Here and join the channel. 

Once you enter the website, you’ll see the different matches that are being live-streamed with proper titles and live statuses. Click on the red watch button as shown below:

Please note that only live matches appear in red. If the below screen doesn’t open then press ctrl+w or close the newly opened tab and open the previous one to get into the above screen again and press the watch button again to get to the below screen.

After clicking the “watch” button, a list of channel names will appear, and each of them will be broadcasting your selected match live.

Now click on the respective “Channel Link”. For Hindi commentary, we suggest Star Sports 1 Hindi or whatever you like.

After clicking on the watch button the player screen appears but it’s at first muted and you need to unmute the stream.

It’s a little bit tricky but quite easier once you gain knowledge about the site. Click on the button “CLICK UNMUTE STREAM”.

But please note that every click must be when the hand cursor appears.

If you’re using a PC, hover over and click the unmute button. If the cursor remains the default pointer, it will redirect to another site, so click on it and press (Ctrl+W) to return to the previous player’s site.

For mobile users, simply tap on the tabs, close any ad site tabs, and navigate back to the previous player’s site.

Repeat this process until the hand cursor appears on hovering the click unmute button on the PC or the audio starts on the mobile phone. Once it is pressed with the hand cursor it starts playing with audio. 

You can also watch the live streaming on the full screen. Click the expand button just at the bottom right side of the screen, considering when the hand cursor appears. In this way, you can watch the live stream and enjoy the match free of cost.

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1. Is it free to watch matches on this website?

Absolutely! The websites we recommend are 100% free. No subscription fees or hidden charges. Enjoy the matches without spending a penny.

2. Are there any annoying ads on these websites?

No need to worry about annoying ads. The suggested websites provide a clean streaming experience without any disruptive advertisements.

3. How do I choose the channel for commentary in Hindi or any other language?

Once you’re on the player screen, click on the respective channel link. For Hindi commentary, we suggest Star Sports 1 Hindi. Feel free to choose the language that suits you best.

4. Why is the stream initially muted, and how can I unmute it?

The stream is muted by default for a smooth start. To unmute, click on the “CLICK UNMUTE STREAM” button. Ensure the hand cursor appears before clicking to avoid redirects.

5. How can I watch the match in full screen?

To watch in full screen, locate the expand button at the bottom right of the player screen. Click on it for an immersive viewing experience. Remember to follow the same process considering the hand cursor.

Bottom Line:

Enjoy uninterrupted and free live streaming of the World Cup 2023 ODI and T20 matches on the recommended websites. No pesky ads, easy channel selection, and a simple process to unmute the stream for a hassle-free cricket-watching experience. Dive into the excitement without breaking the bank.

News Finance

10 Inspiring Quotes for Stock Market Success Journey (Latest)

Quotes for Stock Market
Quotes for Stock Market

You may have come across lots of motivational quotes, including those related to the stock market. Some talk about love, life, and inspiration.

Here, you’ll find Quotes for the Stock Market. Don’t worry about the common advice such as ‘work hard’ and ‘buy low, sell high.’ We’ve got something different for you here.

Let’s check out 10 really good motivational quotes straight from the big names in the investing world.

1. “Success in investing is not about predicting the future, but preparing for it.” – Howard Marks

Howard Marks emphasizes the importance of being prepared for uncertainties rather than trying to predict every market movement.

2. “The stock market is a device to transfer money from the impatient to the patient.” – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett’s timeless wisdom underscores the value of patience, suggesting that those who can wait may reap the rewards.

3. “It’s not whether you’re right or wrong; it’s how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong.” – George Soros

George Soros highlights the significance of risk management and maximizing gains during successful investments.

4. “The best investment you can make is in yourself.” – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett advocates for personal development, recognizing that investing in your knowledge and skills can lead to the greatest returns.

5. “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett stresses the importance of knowledge, suggesting that informed decisions can mitigate risks in the stock market.

6. “In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett uses this metaphor to remind investors that hindsight is often clearer than predicting future market trends.

7. “Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.” – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett encourages investors to seize rare opportunities with full commitment when they arise.

8. “The market is a tool for transferring money from the inattentive to the attentive.” – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett’s quote underscores the advantage of being attentive and well-informed in the stock market.

9. “The goal of a successful investor is to find the one big investment that will more than pay for all the mistakes.” – Kenneth Fisher

Kenneth Fisher highlights the potential of a single successful investment to offset multiple less successful ones.

10. “You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to invest successfully. But you do need to be able to think independently.” – Joel Greenblatt

Joel Greenblatt emphasizes the value of independent thinking, suggesting that successful investing requires critical and individual analysis.

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News Finance insurance

What Are Pump and Dump Schemes?

Pump and dump scheme
Pump and dump scheme


Pump and Dump Scheme ! Money and investments can be pretty interesting, but there are some cunning tricks out there that you should know about. One of them is called a “pump and dump scheme.” In this article, we’ll break it down in simple terms to help you understand what it is and how to stay safe from it.

What is pump and dump?

Let’s understand the meaning of pump and dump with a simpler illustration given below:

Pump: Think of “pumping” like blowing up a balloon. Bad people make something seem really exciting, like a cool new toy or a game. They tell everyone how amazing it is, and more and more kids want to have it. This makes the price of that thing go higher, just like when you blow up a balloon, it gets bigger.

Dump: After the balloon is pumped up, they let the air out (or “dump” it). In the case of the thing they were talking about, the bad people sell it quickly to make a lot of money. When they sell, the price of that thing goes down fast, like when the air rushes out of the balloon, and it gets small again. People who bought it at a high price lose their money.

So, “pumping” is like making something look amazing, and “dumping” is when they sell it and the price goes down. It’s not fair and can hurt people who believe in the excitement.

What’s a Pump and Dump Scheme?

A pump and dump scheme is like a tricky game in the world of money. Bad people use it to make money dishonestly. They do this by making a stock or a cryptocurrency seem really valuable to trick regular people into buying it. But then, when lots of regular people have bought it and the price goes up, the bad people sell what they have, making lots of money. This causes the price to drop, and regular people end up losing their money.

How does Pump and Dump Work?

Here’s how a pump and dump scheme works in simple steps:

  • They Talk It Up: Bad people start telling everyone that a particular stock or cryptocurrency is a super-duper amazing investment. They might use the internet, social media, or emails to spread the word.
  • They Buy a Lot: Once they get people excited, they buy a bunch of that stock or cryptocurrency, which makes the price go up.
  • Top Price: When lots of regular people join in and buy, the price goes really high. That’s when the bad people sell what they have to make a big profit.
  • The Crash: After they’ve sold, they stop talking about it, and the price crashes, which means regular people lose money.

How to Spot a Pump and Dump Scheme

It’s important to know how to recognize a pump and dump scheme so you can keep your money safe. Here are some things to watch out for:

  • Strange Investment Tips: If someone you don’t know gives you investment tips, be careful.
  • Super-Fast Price Jumps: If a stock or cryptocurrency’s price suddenly goes way up for no clear reason, it might be a trick.
  • Pressure to Buy Right Now: Be cautious if someone tries to make you buy something quickly, saying it’s a once-in-a-lifetime deal.
  • No Real Value: If an investment doesn’t seem to have a good reason for being valuable but is getting a lot of attention, it could be a pump and dump scheme.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can pump and dump schemes happen with regular stocks and cryptocurrencies?

  • Yes, these schemes can target both regular stocks and cryptocurrencies. They’re looking for any opportunity to trick people into buying.

Are pump and dump schemes against the law?

  • Yes, they’re illegal in many places because they’re a type of fraud, and regulators try to stop them.

How can I protect myself from a pump and dump scheme?

  • To stay safe, do some research before investing, don’t trust advice from strangers, and be careful if an investment sounds too amazing to be true.

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Pump and dump schemes are like tricky games played by dishonest people in the world of money. But if you know the rules of the game, you can keep your money safe. Always be cautious, do your homework before you invest, and remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Money can be fun, but it’s essential to be careful with it and watch out for tricks that could cost you your hard-earned cash.


News Finance

Bear Trap vs. Bull Trap: Understanding Misleading Market Patterns

Bear Trap vs. Bull Trap
A visual representing the Bear Trap vs. Bull Trap

The world of finance can be quite a puzzle, even for seasoned investors. There are two tricky market patterns that can leave people scratching their heads: the “bear trap” and the “bull trap.” These patterns have a skill for tricking traders and investors, potentially leading to costly errors. 

In this article, we’re going to explore these market patterns(Bear Trap vs. Bull Trap), understand what they are, learn how Bear Trap differs from Bull Trap, and discover why they’re important in the world of investing.

What Is a Bear Trap?

Let’s start with the “bear trap.”Imagine you’re in a bear trap while you’re out in the wild, and it suddenly closes, trapping you unexpectedly. In the world of finance, a bear trap is somewhat similar. It’s a situation where traders and investors are lured into thinking that a declining market (often called a bearish trend) is about to continue or even worsen. However, the trap springs when the market makes a surprise U-turn, leaving those who believed in the continuing decline surprised and at risk.

What is a Bull trap?

A bull trap is like a financial mirage. It tricks investors into thinking a rising market is here to stay, leading them to buy. Unfortunately, it’s a setup—prices drop, and those who fall for the trap end up with losses. It’s like chasing a pot of gold that turns out to be fool’s gold.

Bear Trap vs. Bull Trap

A “bull trap,” on the other hand, is its close cousin but in a different context. It’s like thinking you’re about to reach the top of a mountain, only to realize you’ve been fooled and you’re not there yet. 

In finance, a bull trap happens when the market is doing well and going up (which is often called a bullish trend). It tricks investors into thinking that the good times will continue and get even better, but then it disappoints them by not living up to those expectations.

Causes of a Bear Trap:

Understanding what causes a bear trap is vital. Bear traps often occur because of short-term factors like sudden news events, manipulative market actions, or overreactions from nervous investors. They are like mirages in the desert, looking like relief, but they vanish as you get closer, causing losses.

Identifying a Bear Trap:

Spotting a bear trap is not always straightforward. It often appears as a brief rally during a market downturn. It’s like a mirage in the desert – from a distance, it seems real, but as you get closer, it disappears. Traders need to be alert, looking at various factors and not relying only on short-term market movements.

How to Avoid a Bear Trap:

So, how can you avoid falling into a bear trap? It’s like learning to navigate a tricky maze. Traders often use strategies like setting “stop-loss” orders (a pre-defined point to sell to limit losses), conducting thorough research, and not basing their decisions solely on short-term market fluctuations.

Real-World Example

To make these concepts more real, let’s look at a real-world example. Think about some years ago, when oil prices fell down, Many believed it was the start of a long-term drop (a bearish trend). However, oil prices rebounded in 2023, leaving those who had taken bearish positions in a financial bear trap.

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FAQs of Bear Trap vs. Bull Trap:

What’s the key feature of a bear trap?

A bear trap deceives investors into thinking a falling market will continue, but it unexpectedly reverses.

How can I identify a bear trap in real time?

Identifying a bear trap requires careful analysis of market trends, news, and investor sentiment. It’s not always easy to spot, making it a bit like solving a puzzle.

How does a bull trap differ from a bear trap?

A bull trap tricks investors into thinking a rising market is underway, leading them to buy. However, the market then turns downward, causing losses for those who fell into the trap.

Can bull traps be beneficial for certain traders?

Yes, some traders strategically use bull traps to their advantage by entering the market when others are optimistic, anticipating a quick reversal.

How can investors avoid falling into a bear or bull trap?

Investors can mitigate the risk of falling into traps by conducting research, using technical analysis, and staying informed about market news and trends.

Is it possible to predict bear or bull traps with absolute certainty?

No, predicting traps with absolute certainty is challenging. Market behavior is influenced by various factors, and unexpected events can trigger reversals. It’s essential to approach trading with caution and risk management strategies.

The Bottom Line:

Bear traps are like hidden traps in a financial jungle. They’re tricky and can lead to financial losses. Understanding these market patterns is vital for making informed investment decisions. So, stay alert, do your research, and don’t let short-term market moves lead you to deviate. Remember, successful investing often relies on understanding the bigger picture and not falling for the traps along the way.

News Finance

Calculate Earnings Per Share: A Vital Financial Metric for Everyone

EPS Calculator

Earnings Per Share (EPS) Calculator


Earning Per Share (EPS) is like a financial puzzle peace that helps us figure out how well a company is doing. It’s super important for anyone who’s into money matters. In this article, we’ll break down EPS, its math formula, and why it matters in the world of Money.

What is Earning Per Share (EPS)? 

Earnings Per Share (EPS) represents the profit gained by the company for each outstanding share of common stock. EPS is useful in evaluating the financial performance and business of a company. It indicates the amount of profit earned by the company. We can calculate earnings per share( EPS) by dividing the net income (after deducting dividends on preferred stock) by the average number of outstanding shares during a specific period.

Earnings Per Share (EPS) Formula


EPS = (Net Income – Dividends on Preferred Stock) / Weighted Average Outstanding Common Shares


Net Income: This is the total profit of the company after deducting all expenses, taxes, and interest.

Dividends on Preferred Stock: If a company has issued preferred stock, any dividends paid to preferred shareholders are subtracted from the net income. This is done because EPS is generally associated with common stockholders.

Weighted Average Number of Outstanding Shares: Since the number of shares outstanding can fluctuate due to factors like stock buybacks or issuances, the weighted average is used to adjust for these changes. The formula for the weighted average is:

Weighted Average Number of Shares = (No. of Shares at the Beginning of the Period + Number of Shares at the End of the Period) /2

On the income statement, there are typically two forms to calculate Earnings Per Share (EPS) that are recorded: 

  1. Basic Earnings Per Share 
  2. Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Basic Earnings Per Share (Basic EPS):

Basic EPS offers a simple way to calculate Earnings Per Share (EPS) by taking into account only the outstanding common shares of a company.

Basic EPS=(Net Income – Preferred Dividends)/ Weighted Average Number of Common Shares

Diluted Earnings Per Share (Diluted EPS):

The diluted EPS is a company’s net income per common share outstanding after adjusting for potentially dilutive instruments (such as options, warrants, and convertibles).

Diluted EPS=(Net Income – Preferred Dividends) / (Weighted Average Number of Common Shares + Dilutive Securities)

How to calculate earnings per share with an example

Assume a company, XYZ Inc., reported a Net Income of $1,000,000, Preferred Dividends of $50,000, Common Shares at the Beginning of the Period as 500,000, Common Shares at the End of the Period as 550,000, and Dilutive Securities (Convertible Bonds) of 20,000. Calculate Earnings Per Share both Basic EPS and Diluted Earnings Per Share (Diluted EPS).



Net Income: $1,000,000

Preferred Dividends: $50,000

Common Shares at the Beginning of the Period: 500,000

Common Shares at the End of the Period: 550,000

Dilutive Securities (Convertible Bonds): 20,000

Calculate Earnings Per Share: Basic EPS

Basic EPS= (Net Income – Preferred Dividends) /Weighted Average Number of Common Shares

Calculating the Weighted Average Number of Common Shares:

Weighted Average Number of Common Shares= (500,000+550,000) / 2


Substitute values into the Basic EPS formula:

Basic EPS= (1,000,000−50,000) / 525,000

Basic EPS≈1.81

Calculate Earnings Per Share: Diluted EPS

Diluted EPS= (Net Income – Preferred Dividends) / (Weighted Average Number of Common Shares + Dilutive Securities)

Calculating the Weighted Average Number of Common Shares with Dilutive Securities:

Weighted Average Number of Common Shares + Dilutive Securities=525,000+20,000


Substitute values into the Diluted EPS formula:

Diluted EPS=(1,000,000−50,000) / 545,000

Diluted EPS=950,000 / 545,000

Diluted EPS≈1.74

Therefore, Basic Earnings Per Share (Basic EPS): is $1.81, and Diluted Earnings Per Share (Diluted EPS): is $1.74.

In this example, Diluted EPS is slightly lower than the Basic EPS, showing the potential dilution from convertible bonds.  To calculate earnings per share, these EPS figures provide insights into the company’s profitability on a per-share basis, considering different scenarios.

AspectBasic EPSDiluted EPS
DefinitionEarnings per share based on current outstanding shares.Earnings per share considering potential dilution from convertible securities (like stock options or convertible bonds).
CalculationTotal Profit ÷ Number of Outstanding Shares(Total Profit + Impact of Potential Shares) ÷ (Number of Outstanding Shares + Impact of Potential Shares)
AnalogyCounting pizzas already served.Considering potential extra slices from stock options or convertible bonds.
FocusReflects current earnings per share.Takes into account potential dilution from additional shares.
ScenarioNo consideration for potential additional shares.Assumes conversion of stock options or bonds into shares.

What Is a Good EPS?

A good Earnings Per Share (EPS) can depend on various factors. The growth stage and overall economic environment of a company should be good. some general considerations are:

  • Industry Comparison: EPS can differ in the entire industry. It’s necessary to calculate earnings per share of a company and compare it with other companies in the same industry to get a better context.
  • Consistency: Consistent growth in EPS over time is generally considered positive. It shows that the company is effectively managing its operations and generating good profits.
  • Expectations: Analysts and investors often have expectations about the future performance of a company. Meeting or passing these expectations can be a positive sign.
  • Company’s Growth Stage: For a growing company, a lower or even negative EPS might be acceptable if it is reinvesting profits into expansion activities. Investors may be more focused on other metrics, such as revenue growth and market share.
  • Profitability: A positive EPS indicates profitability, but it’s essential to consider the quality of earnings. Sustainable profitability is preferred over short-term spikes.
  • Return on Equity (ROE): ROE measures a company’s ability to generate profits from shareholders’ equity. A higher ROE, coupled with a positive EPS, is generally considered positive.
  • Economic Conditions: Economic factors, such as inflation and interest rates, can influence what is considered a good EPS. Inflation can erode the purchasing power of earnings, while high interest rates may increase borrowing costs.
  • Dividend Payments: If a company pays dividends, investors may look at EPS in relation to dividend payments. A healthy EPS should support dividend payouts.


What is EPS, and why should I care about it?

EPS stands for Earnings Per share, and it’s like a report card for a company’s money-making skills. You should care about it because it helps you see if a company is doing well or not.

How do we calculate EPS?

To calculate EPS, we look at a company’s total profit(NET Income) and divide it by the number of shares people own. It’s like sharing a cake with friends and seeing how big each slice is.

What does a high or low EPS mean for a company?

A high EPS means a company is making a lot of money for each share. A low EPS might mean the company is not making much money for each share.

Who uses EPS, and how can I use it?

Investors and experts use EPS to check if a company is a good place to invest their money. You can use it to decide if a company’s stock is a good deal or not.

Can you explain the three types of EPS?

Sure! There’s “Trailing EPS”, which looks at the past year, “current EPS” which looks at now and a bit into the future, and “Forward EPS” which looks further into the future.   

Is EPS the only thing to consider when investing in a company?

No, EPS is just one piece of Puzzle. It’s like looking at one ingredient in a recipe. To make a tasty dish(investment), you need to consider other factors too.


Understanding a company’s Earnings Per Share(EPS) is like reading its financial story. It’s especially important when Investors want to compare how well a company has done in the past and what it might do in the future.

Imagine you’re in a race, and you want to know if you’re winning. You check your time now and compare it to your past times. Investors calculate Earnings Per Share and do something similar by comparing a company’s current EPS with its historical EPS.

Just like a relay race where you want to pass the baton to the fastest runner, investors want to put their money in companies with strong EPS. They can also compare the company’s EPS to others in the same “race”(industry) to see who’s leading. For example, If you’re thinking about “Investing” in a company like Company A, it’s a bit like choosing your favorite player to cheer for in a board game. You might want to see if your player, Company A, is winning the game compared to other players, like Company B or Company C.

News Finance

Difference between Market Order and Limit Order

Are you eager to improve your trading skills?  As we dig deeper into the trading world, we need to understand stock orders. These orders define how we buy and sell stocks, which shapes our experience in the financial markets. Although there are many other types of orders, market and limit orders are the two most common types.

Market orders execute quickly at the current market price, resulting in a speedy but uncertain execution. Limit orders enable price control, but they only execute at a set price or better, which may take longer. Market orders are most suitable for quick execution, whereas limit orders provide control but may not execute if the market does not match the desired price.

In this article, we’ll break down market orders and limit orders in a simplified manner, providing you with an advantage in your trading journey.

What is market Order?

Market orders provide simplicity and a guaranteed fill for liquid equities because they execute instantly at the going rate.

A market order is like ordering a pizza – you get it at the current market price. It’s quick and guaranteed, but you might pay a bit more than expected.

Example: Suppose you want to buy shares of a popular tech company, and its current market price is $100 per share. You place a market order to buy 100 shares of the company at the current market price.

Advantages Of Market Order

  • Quick execution: Market orders are executed immediately, ensuring you get the shares without delay.
  • Suitable for fast-moving markets or when timing is crucial.

Disadvantages Of Market Order

  • Price risk: The actual execution price may vary slightly from the quoted market price, especially in highly volatile markets, potentially resulting in higher costs.

What is a limit order?

Limit orders are preferred by those who are price purists. They allow you to decide how much you’re willing to buy or sell for. This protects you from adverse market changes and gives you more control over execution prices. However, there is no assurance that the execution will happen instantly, and under certain circumstances, it may take longer, which makes it less appropriate for extremely volatile markets.

A limit order is like setting a budget for your shopping. You specify the price you’re willing to pay, and it’s executed when the market reaches that level. It gives you control but may take some time to fill.

Example: You believe that a stock is overvalued at its current market price of $150 per share, but you are willing to buy it at $140 per share. You place a limit order to purchase 100 shares of the stock at $140 per share.

Advantages of Limit Order

  • Price control: You specify the exact price you are willing to buy or sell, ensuring you get the desired price.
  • Cost management: Helps in avoiding unfavorable price changes and controlling your expenses.

Disadvantages of Limit Order

  • Timing: Limit orders may not be executed if the market does not reach the specified price, which could result in missed opportunities.
  • Slower execution: They may take time to fill, as the market needs to reach your set price, so they are not suitable for fast-moving markets.

These examples and their advantages and disadvantages show how market orders and limit orders work in different trading scenarios. Traders must consider their goals, market conditions, and risk tolerance when choosing between these order types.

When to use market order and limit order?

Market orders

You use market order when you need to move quickly, such as when trading liquid equities or grabbing openings.

Limit orders

You use limit order when exact price control is critical. Their proficiency in risk management, particularly with stop-limit orders, makes them excellent choices for entering or departing at predetermined levels.

Difference between Market Order and Limit Order

AspectsMarket OrderLimit Order
ExecutionExecutes immediately at the current market price.Executes only when the market reaches the specified price.
Price ControlNo price control; the trade occurs at the prevailing market price.Offers price control by specifying the desired price for buying or selling.
Guaranteed ExecutionGuaranteed execution, but not guaranteed price.Execution is only guaranteed if the market reaches the specified price.
SpeedQuick execution.May take time to execute if the specified price isn't met.
Use CaseIdeal when timing is more crucial than price.Perfect for those who want to control the price at which they buy or sell.
RiskMay carry more price risk due to immediate execution.Lower price risk but may not execute if the specified price isn't reached.
CostThis may result in slightly higher costs due to potential price slippage.This may lead to lower costs if the specified price is favorable.
FlexibilityLess price flexibility as you take the current market price.Greater price flexibility as you set the price you are willing to accept.

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What is a market order, and when should I use it in trading?

 A market order is an instruction to buy or sell a security at the current market price. It’s ideal when you want quick execution, especially when timing is more critical than price.

When is it best to use a limit order in trading?

A limit order is used when you want to control the price at which you buy or sell a security. It’s ideal for traders who have specific price points in mind and are willing to wait for the market to reach those levels.

What are the key advantages of a market order? 

Market orders offer guaranteed execution and are typically faster. They’re suitable when immediate execution is a priority, such as when reacting to breaking news or rapidly changing market conditions.

What are the main benefits of using a limit order?

Limit orders provide price control, allowing traders to specify the exact price at which they want to enter or exit a position. This helps in managing costs and avoiding unfavorable price changes.

Are there any risks associated with market and limit orders? 

Market orders may carry more price risk due to immediate execution, while limit orders may not execute if the specified price is not reached, potentially resulting in missed opportunities. It’s essential to consider these factors when choosing the order type.


Selecting between Limit and Market orders is crucial. Limit orders provide precision at the possible cost of delayed execution, whereas market orders offer speed at the expense of control. Whether you choose quick market moves or deliberate price management, your approach is shaped by your decision. Make sure your selections are in line with your objectives and risk tolerance. Cheers to your trading!

Section Title

News Finance

What is a 401k plan? How does it work?

The 401k plan is a retirement savings plan provided by employers in the U.S. The 401k plan lets employees save money for retirement while reducing current taxes.

Types of 401(k) plan

There are several types of 401(k) plans, each with its characteristics:

1. Traditional 401(k) plan:

  • Employees make pre-tax contributions to their 401(k) accounts.
  • Contributions and capital gains are tax-deferred until withdrawn upon retirement.
  • Withdrawals are subject to regular income taxation.

2. Roth 401(k):

  • Employees make after-tax contributions to their 401(k).
  • In retirement, qualified withdrawals, including wages, are tax-free.
  • RMDs are not needed for Roth 401(k) accounts during the account owner’s lifetime.

Why is the 401k plan named so?

401k plans are named after a section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code(Section 401k), which governs the rules and regulations for 401k plans of 401k in terms of employer matching contributions, investment options, and other features.

So, the name 401k refers to the Internal Revenue Code section governing these plans.

What are the contribution limits for a 401k plan?

The IRS sets annual contribution limits for 401k plans. The contribution limits for 2023 vary depending on an employee’s age, with one set of limits for individuals under 50 years old and another set for those who are 50 years or older. The IRS establishes these contribution limits to promote equitable employee participation in 401k plans.

What are the 401k contribution limits for employees under 50 in 2023?

I) How much can someone who is 50 or older contribute to their 401k in 2023?

If you’re 50 or older, you can put in even more money, up to $30,000 in total. That’s an extra $7,500 on top of the $22,500.

II) What’s the special savings account for retirement where you can put this money?

You can put this money into your employer’s 401k plan.

III) How do employee contributions to a 401k plan reduce taxes?

The money you put into a 401k plan from your paycheck before taxes means you don’t pay taxes on it the right way. This can help you pay less in taxes for the year because your taxable income is lower.

What is an employer match in a 401k plan?

An employer match is like a bonus for your boss for saving money in your 401k. They put in some extra cash based on what you save, and it’s to encourage you to save more for when you retire

What are the investment options within a 401k plan?

In a 401k plan, you can pick different ways to grow your money, like buying a piece of companies(stocks) or lending your money(bonds). You get to choose how much money goes into each of these options.

What are the rules for withdrawing money from a 401k plan?

You can usually take your money out of a 401k without a problem when you’re 59.5 years old. If you take it out earlier, there might be extra charges and taxes. When you reach 72, you’ll need to start taking out a certain amount of money each year.

What is vesting in a 401k plan, and how does it work?

Vesting determiners when employees gain full ownership of their employer’s contributions. Some plans offer immediate vesting, while others have a graded schedule that vests over a few years.

Tax Advantages of 401k plan:

A 401k plan has special money-saving perks. First, the money you put in isn’t taxed right away, so you save on taxes. Second, the money you earn from your investments grows without getting taxed until you take it out. And, when you retire and might pay less in taxes, you can save even more.

What options do you have if you switch jobs with a 401k plan?

If you change jobs, you can often move your 401k savings to your new job’s plan or into something called an Individual Retirement Account(IRA). Doing this helps you avoid extra taxes and fees.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when managing a 401k plan?

Some common mistakes people make with 401k plans are not using all the extra money their boss offers(employer matching), not checking and changing how they invest their money, and taking out money too early without knowing it could cost them.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1: Are there any penalties for early withdrawals from a 401k plan? 

Yes, early withdrawals from a 401k plan, typically before age 59½, may be subject to penalties and income taxes. There are some exceptions to these penalties, such as for specific financial hardships.

2: Can I have more than one 401k plan? 

Yes, you can have multiple 401k plans, but the total annual contribution limit applies to all of them. Each employer’s plan is separate, so if you change jobs or have more than one job, you can contribute to each employer’s plan.

3: What happens to my 401k if I change jobs?

 If you change jobs, you have several options for your 401k plan. You can leave it with your previous employer’s plan, transfer it to your new employer’s plan (if they allow it), roll it over into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), or cash it out (not recommended due to taxes and penalties).

4: Can I spend the money in my 401k before I retire? 

It’s usually best to keep the money in your 401k for retirement. But, in some cases, like if you have a big financial problem, you might be able to take some out. Just remember, you might have to pay extra money in taxes and penalties.

5: What’s the good thing about 401k plans?

The good thing about 401k plans is that they help you save money for when you’re older and no longer working. It’s like putting your money in a safe place where it can grow, and you won’t have to worry as much about money when you’re retired. Plus, you might get extra money from your boss to help you save!


In conclusion, a 401k plan is a valuable retirement savings tool that helps individuals set money aside for their future while enjoying various tax advantages. It’s named after a section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (Section 401k), and it’s designed to promote retirement savings by providing incentives for both employees and employers.

Understanding the contribution limits, tax benefits, and rules for early withdrawals is essential for managing your 401k effectively. Additionally, making the most of employer matches, choosing the right investment options, and avoiding common mistakes can help maximize the benefits of your 401k plan.

insurance News

Is it worth getting health insurance if you are healthy?

A lady doctor representing a text "Is It worth getting health insurance if you are healthy?"
Navigating the Health Insurance Matter: To Insure or Not to Insure When You’re Healthy?

Hey there! Sometimes, in your mind, there may arise a question of whether it’s ‘worth getting health insurance’ if you’re fit. It’s common to think about health insurance if you are worried about your health. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at health insurance, what it is, the types of insurance available, and the most important one i.e. whether Is it worth getting health insurance when you’re in good health.


What is Insurance?

Simply, the real meaning of insurance is the agreement between two parties where one party assures to give financial compensation for the mentioned loss to the next party in consideration of the premium.

 Parties involved in insurance are the insurer and insured. It is a way that provides security to the person and his property.

What is health insurance?

Now let’s move into health insurance. Health insurance is like a ticket to affordable healthcare. It is a special type of financial arrangement that helps people pay for medical expenses when they get sick or injured. It covers medical expenses like doctor’s visits, hospital stays, surgeries, and even preventive care.

Is It Worth Getting Health Insurance?

Now that we’ve looked at some of the good things about health insurance, let’s answer a simple question: Is it worth getting health insurance? The answer is a clear yes. Here’s why in simpler terms:

  1. Stopping High Medical Costs: Going to the doctor or getting treatment at a hospital can be very expensive. Health insurance helps you with the money you need to pay for these medical costs, so you don’t have to worry about having enough money. It seems worth getting health insurance.
  2. Being Ready for Sudden Health Problems: Sometimes, people can get very sick or hurt even if they’re young and healthy. Health insurance makes sure you’re ready for these kinds of problems. It’s like having a safety net to catch you if something unexpected happens while showing the worth of getting health insurance.
  3. Saving Money on Taxes: Health insurance also gives you a little bonus when it comes to paying taxes. You can save some money on your taxes because of it. That means you get to keep more of your money.

In conclusion, it is worth getting health insurance, and also it is a good idea because it helps you with medical costs, gets you ready for surprises, and even helps you save some money on taxes. It’s like having a superhero for your health and your wallet.

How does health insurance work?

Many people don’t understand the working mechanism of health insurance. For them, this article is the best to understand how health insurance works.

It works like this: When you have health insurance, you pay a certain amount of money regularly, often called a premium, to an insurance company. In return, the insurance company promises to help cover the cost of your doctor’s visits, hospital stays, medicines, and other healthcare services when you need them.

In this manner, health insurance helps protect you and your family from having to pay large medical bills all at once, making it easier to get the healthcare you need.

Advantages of health insurance:

If you talk about the worth of getting health insurance then it depends upon the various considerations. Some possible advantages that you can get from the health insurance are given below:

  • Financial Security: One of the most significant advantages of getting health insurance is the peace of mind it brings. You won’t have to empty your bank account if you face a sudden health crisis.
  • Preventive Care: Health insurance often covers preventive services encouraging you to maintain good health and reducing future medical costs.
  • Future Planning: Health insurance is useful if you’re considering starting a family or anticipate future health needs.
  • Employer Coverage: If your job offers health’s usually cost-effective and a valuable benefit.
  • Health Savings: Health insurance can help you save for medical expenses and it’s worth getting health insurance.

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Can I get health insurance if I’m already healthy?

Absolutely! It’s often easier and more affordable to secure health insurance while you’re healthy.

How much does health insurance cost?

The cost varies depending on your age, location, coverage, and insurance provider. You can find plans to fit different budgets.

What does health insurance cover?

Health insurance typically covers doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, and preventive care. Specific coverage may vary by plan.

Can I choose my doctor with health insurance?

In many cases, yes you can choose your doctor, but it’s important to check your specific insurance plan for any restrictions or additional costs for seeing doctors outside the plan’s network

Can I get health insurance for my whole family?

Yes, you can get health insurance for your whole family with the family health insurance plan, which normally covers you, your spouse, and your children. The cost may vary according to the family size or the chosen plan.


In conclusion, health insurance is worth considering even if you’re currently healthy. It’s a financial safety net that provides peace of mind and helps you plan for the unexpected.

While being in good health is a great starting point, life can be unpredictable. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about health insurance to ensure you’re protected when you need it most. Weigh the advantages, explore your options, and make an informed choice that aligns with your unique situation and priorities. Your future

News Finance

Unlocking wealth?: The strategic power of the 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP Formula

Have you ever been worried about losing your money when you want to save and grow it? Alright, you’re not alone. Many people feel the same way you feel. But, what if I told you there is a safe and easy way to grow and save your money? It’s called the 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP(Systematic Investment Plan).

What is Equity SIP?

Equity SIP stands for “Equity Systematic Investment Plan.” It’s the way for people to invest their money in the stock market in a systematic and disciplined manner.

What is The 7-5-3-1 strategy equity SIP?

The 7-5-3-1 strategy equity SIP is the best way to get maximum profit by investing in stocks. After applying this rule, there is almost a 0 chance of loss in investment. It is the way that helps to achieve great money by converting the smaller portion of stock into a larger portion of stock.

As the rule itself suggests about 4 rules hidden in the number(7-5-3 and 1), we’ll also talk about these 4 golden rules of marketing.

What is ‘7’ in the 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP Formula?

It is the first rule that we’re going to discuss. Here the ‘7’ indicates the minimum investment time period in years in equity investing. Well, this rule is based on the investment period in the mutual fund or stocks to get the proper profit amount. So, it suggests that investing the money in a mutual fund continuously for at least 7 years is most important if we want to see the value positive.

It contributes to SIP(Systematic Investment Plan) to get good returns.

Also, if we look at the statistics of the last 22 years in the field of investment, we find that if a person has been involved in equity investment for only up to 1 year then there is only a 58% chance of getting returns more than 10% investment. But, if done for at least 7 years there is an 80% chance of getting returns of more than 10%.

What is ‘5’ in the 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP Formula?

The second rule of 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP is about smart investing with the 5-finger strategy. Basically, it reminds the points to be considered in mutual funds to get maximum returns successfully.

The five golden points are about the proper way of doing investment in the stock market. It indicates:

i) Quality: There is a saying “Unlock the potential, Invest in Quality.” A person who wants to invest in any stocks in the stock market first needs to check the quality of the stock.

ii) Values: While making an investment in any stock in the stock market, we need to observe the value of the Stock Market. We must consider the activeness of the number of stakeholders in it.

It is very necessary to check “How many people’s money has been invested in a particular stock market?”

iii)Growth: Growth in the particular Stock market is the most important factor that needs to be considered at the time of investment. Minimum last 3 years growth rate should be observed in the Stock market before choosing the stocks available in the Stock Market.

iv)Holding: The next important point that falls under the 7-5-3-1 equity SIP is holding our investment. Suppose we want to invest in a stock ‘A’ available in the stock market then we need to observe the holdings of stock “A” i.e. where our money is being invested so that no fraud happens.

v)Expense Ratio: We need to minimize any kind of expense that we give to the mutual fund company as they are managing our investment. So, we need to try giving less expenses to the mutual fund company.

What is the meaning of ‘3’ in the rule 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP Formula?

The next phase i.e. 3rd phase of your investment in the stock market indicates your closeness toward the financial goals. It is the time period in which you may suffer from various ups and downs from which you have to make yourself ready for any situation. This strategy among 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP gives you a clear idea of facing any kind of situation that may arise pre-, mid-, and after the investment in the stock market. 

Basically, 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP’s “3” consists of the following situations that fall under the part of SIP:

i) Disappointed phase: It is the phase that may occur at the time when you enter the field of mutual trust or the stock market. It may last for 2-3 years only though, it depends on your patience.

ii)Less Returns(Irritation): The next phase that may occur after investment is less returns than the expected value. It might lack but don’t panic in this situation. It’s not very uncommon to not face the problem of irritation due to fewer returns from stock. So, you should rather make yourself ready for such situations.

iii)Panic: Many people worldwide suffer from the situation of panic caused by the negative value seen in the stock. The negative value in stock may arise due to certain pandemics. 

You might have experienced it during the pandemic of Covid-19. So, in this situation, the 7-5-3-1 equity SIP suggests keeping patience and waiting for the correct time of market correction. You should keep in mind that it’s not always permanent, it’s for the short term only.

These are some possible phases that may threaten you, but you must be ready to grow.

What is ‘1’ in the 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP Formula?

The last rule of the 7-5-3-1 Equity SIP Formula suggests that investors should increase their investment in the stock at least by 10% annually. 

Suppose you have made an investment of 500 in any stock on the stock market in the year 2023, then according to the rule ”1” of 7-5-3-1 equity SIP, you should increase your investment by around 10% of 500 i.e 550 total investment in the next year(2024) and so on. It is the most important step of SIP editing.

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The 7-5-3-1 rule for equity SIP is the proper strategy that must be applied by every investor in the field of the stock market. It always helps in earning or growing the money successfully. It involves various steps like portfolio allocation, portfolio diversification, consistency, etc. It is a great path for the investors. So, every investor should know and implement the 7-5-3-1 rule for equity SIP.

News Finance

Lump Sum Vs SIP Investments: Unveiling the Best Strategy for Your Financial Success

You may significantly improve your financial security by investing the money you’ve worked so hard to obtain. The decision between a lump sum investment and a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is one of the most frequent puzzles people tackle when it comes to investing. In this article, we will briefly go into the differences between these two investment approaches and help you make an informed decision.

What is a Lump sum Investment?

Lump sum investments include depositing a sizable quantity of money into a financial instrument all at once. This implies that you make an upfront lump sum investment that begins to develop right away.

What is a Systematic Investment Plan?

SIP, involves making recurring, usually monthly, investments of a defined sum of money. It encourages the disciplined investment habit and is frequently seen as a safer method.

Difference between SIP and Lump Sum?

Although both the SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) Calculator and Lump Sum Calculator are financial instruments used for investment planning, they have different functions and approaches. These are the main differences between SIP and Lump sum

AspectSIPLump Sum
Investment AmountRegular fixed intervalsSingle lump sum
TimingRegular, regardless of marketOne-time investment
Rupee Cost AveragingAverages cost over timeExposed to market volatility
Risk ManagementReduces market riskHigher market risk
LiquidityOffers partial or full redemptionVaries with market conditions
Average ReturnsRelatively stable over the long termVariable based on entry point
TaxationPotential tax benefitsTax implications based on gains
Cost Averaging StrategyRupee cost averagingIndividual asset allocation
MonitoringRequires regular monitoringRequires less active monitoring

Advantage of investing in SIP over lumpsum

Benefits of cost averaging: SIPs have the advantage of cost averaging since they stretch investments out across time, lowering the average cost of an investment and reducing their sensitivity to market volatility.

Instill Investment Discipline: SIPs encourage consistency and dedication in investing because they automatically transfer funds from your bank account to the mutual fund plan of your choice each month.

Reduce Market Timing Concerns: SIPs reduce market timing concerns by offering more units during down markets and fewer during bull markets, therefore decreasing the average investment cost and perhaps increasing long-term returns. Accordingly, the market’s ups and downs have less impact on SIP investments.

Investment Flexibility: SIPs provide investment flexibility, letting you start, stop, change the amount you invest, or take money as needed to meet your requirements. Furthermore, a variety of people can participate in mutual funds since you can start small—you can sometimes contribute as little as Rs 500.

Who Should Consider Investing in a SIP?

SIP investments are an option for those who earn a steady income, and they are recommended for several convincing reasons. By removing the requirement to invest a large chunk of money at once, SIP makes investing more accessible and manageable for many people. SIP is strongly advised if you tend to invest in equities funds and have a lengthy investing horizon in mind. It works especially well during market downturns since it enables investors to buy more mutual fund units at reduced costs. Once the market begins to recover, this might lead to significant growth.

Answering the question of when is the best moment to pick SIP is simple: anytime. SIP investments are made with the long term in mind, usually for at least 5 to 6 years. Investors in SIPs shouldn’t be discouraged by market highs or lows because the goal is to build long-term wealth. Additionally, it is advised to remain with SIP over the long term while debating whether it is better to make a one-time investment or a SIP. Consistently making investments throughout a business cycle can have several advantages, including utilizing the power of compounding, which increases with time. In essence, SIP offers a wise and advantageous investing method that, with time, may produce significant rewards.

The advantage of investing in a lump sum over SIP

Greater Earning Potential: Compared to SIPs, lump sum investments have the potential to generate larger returns.

Reduced Transaction Costs: Compared to SIP investments, which require many transactions, lump sum investments require one transaction, which results in lower transaction costs.

No continuing liabilities or Commitments: Unlike SIPs, which demand monthly, set contributions, lump sum investments do not subject the investor to any continuing penalties or commitments.

When should you prefer lumpsum investment?

Any investment, lump sum, should ideally be made while taking into consideration factors like present income, risk profile, age, tax considerations, liquidity requirements, period, and other specific limitations. Lump sum investments are chosen when one has a significant quantity of extra cash and, more significantly, when one believes that the market has had a significant correction or won’t decline immediately after making the transaction. Compounding rates of returns are produced by lump sum investments made over a longer period.

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Which is better SIP or a one time investment?

SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is frequently chosen due to its methodical approach and risk reduction via rupee cost averaging. It works well for long-term objectives. But when you have a lump sum accessible, have short-term goals, or believe in market timing, lump sum investments might be favorable. Your financial status and ambitions will influence your decision.

Should you invest lumpsum in an SIP mutual fund?

Systematic investing is defeated if a single large investment is made into a mutual fund that offers SIPs. SIPs are made to accept periodic, recurring contributions in order to diversify risk. If you have a large sum, consider investing it once in a mutual fund or spreading it over many funds to better minimize risk. Your risk tolerance and financial objectives will influence your decision.

Is it good to invest in Lumpsum now?

The market forecast and your financial objectives will determine whether you should invest a big sum right now. It might be a strategic choice if you have a lengthy time perspective and think the market provides good value. However, think about diversifying and get specific guidance from a financial counselor.

Is it better to invest in mutual funds through SIP or is it better to invest in a one-time lump sum amount?

Investing through SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is generally considered more prudent as it spreads risk by investing regularly over time, whereas a lump sum investment can be riskier due to market timing uncertainties.

Is a one-time investment better than SIP in terms of a better return?

A one-time investment may yield better returns if you can time the market well, but it's riskier. SIP offers a more gradual, stable approach with less risk. The choice depends on your financial goals and expertise.


Both lump-sum investments and SIPs have advantages and disadvantages. Your financial goals and risk tolerance will influence your decision. You may combine the two strategies to construct a balanced investing portfolio, so keep in mind that it’s not an all-or-nothing choice. When making a personal decision about your financial circumstances and aspirations, consulting a financial counselor is frequently a sensible move.

Ultimately, whether you choose to invest in a single sum or over time via SIPs, the key is to start early, maintain consistency, and exercise patience. Your assets will increase in value as time goes on, enabling you to realize your financial goals.