
Step-by-Step Guide: Apply Online E-passport Nepal

When you hear the word ‘E-Passport’, you may think it’s the virtualization of our physical password. Well, this article is here to tell you, that you’re wrong. E-passports have the physical hardcopy of a passport with the addition of a ‘chip’ in it. It is comparatively better than the MRP(Machine Readable Passport) which reads a code that provides the person verifying all the information about you to cross-check your authenticity. 

By the end of the article, you will understand what an e-passport is, why Nepal introduced e-passports?, the process of getting an e-passport, and all the necessary documents you require to get your e-passport in Nepal.

What is an E-Passport?

Your e-passport verifies your authenticity when traveling. It is very similar to MRP(Machine Readable Passport). What is the difference? Well, it is the chip. Yes, a tiny chip in front of the passport and a small chip in the pages of your passport. 

This chip when scanned, provides the verifier with your biometrics(i.e. your iris scan, fingerprint scan, and the scan of your facial structure). And you’re permitted to enter the country only after they match you with your biometrics.

On 17 November 2021, the first electronic passport, or e-passport was introduced. 

What documents are required for an online e-passport Nepal application?

Date booking for biometrics should be done by filling out the online form. The basic requirements for the first Issuance online e-passport Nepal are as follows:

For Minor’s Passport:

  • Certificate of Minor Citizenship 
  • Marriage Registration Certificate of Parents
  • Parents’ citizenship certificates (front and rear page)
  • District Verification Letter with Photograph of Applicant

For Adult’s Passport:

  • Citizenship Certificate (front and back)
  • National Identity Number (Validated)

What documents are required for passport renewal in Nepal?

The basic requirements for renewing or replacing an e-passport in Nepal are as follows:

 For Minor’s Passport:

  • Certificate of Minor Citizenship (first and second pages).
  • The current passport’s photo page, page 3 and page 31
  • Parents’ citizenship certificates (front and rear page)

For Adult’s Passport:

  • Citizenship Certificate (front and back Page)
  • National Identity Number (Validated) 
  • The current passport’s photo page, page 3 and page 31.

Colour of the e-passports in Nepal

Colour of the e-passport in Nepal

Who is it for?




Government Officials



Chocolate- brown

Ordinary e-passport

What is the process of applying for an e-passport in Nepal?

Follow the given steps to apply for an online e-passport in Nepal.

Step 1: Visit the Official website

Step 2: Select among First Issuance/Renewal/ Replacement (Lost/Stolen)/Replacement (Damaged).

Step 3: You have two options: Ordinary 34 pages and Ordinary 66 pages. Select according to your need, then click “Proceed”.

passport pages

Step 4: Now select “I agree”.

i agree e passport

Step 5: Book your appointment and click “Next”.


Step 6: Fill out the required fields, which are marked with an asterisk (*): Demographic Information, Citizenship Information, Applicant’s Contact Details, and Contact Details in Case of Emergency. There is no need for a National Identity Number (NIN).

Step 7: The requested documents must be in jpeg/png format and no larger than 300kb. Click Next after uploading them. When submitting papers, choose Minor for candidates under the age of 16, and Major for applicants beyond the age of 16.

Step 8: After filling in all the pages with your information, you will get a ‘Request Code’. Take a screenshot or note the code down. You will be asked to present this ‘Request Code’ to the Department of Passports of Nepal. 

Step 9: Book a date for when you will be visiting the office.

NOTE: You will be required to present your National Identity Number from your National Identity Card(Rashtriya Parichaya Patra) to get your e-passport in Nepal.

Why did Nepal introduce e-passports?

Have you faced any problems at the airport? Do you remember how long and boring it was to wait for your verification? Now, after the initiation of e-passport in Nepal, the verification process will be smoother and less time-consuming. And the risk of your passport duplication is also significantly lowered. 

Your passport is secure for you and it’s also easy for the Department of Passports of Nepal to keep precise track with the help of the chip embedded in your e-passport. You also save your passport from being misused.

All passports issued from now on will be e-passports. If you hold a Machine Readable Passport (MRP), it will also work. If you need to renew your old passport, the new one will be an e-passport. The Department of Passports of Nepal has stated that those passports can be used for the next 10 validations.

Who can apply for an Electronic passport in Nepal?

Here’s who can apply for an online E-passport in Nepal:

  • Nepali citizens
  • Minors
  • Adults
  • A person whose E-passport if it is lost, stolen, damaged, or has expired can request for a replacement or renewal of your old Nepali passport.
  • People from Nepal who have never previously had a passport are also eligible to apply for their first E-passport.
  • If your personal information changes, like a name change due to marriage, you can update it on your E-passport in Nepal.

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How to make an emergency e-passport in Nepal?

Nepali applicants in urgent need of a passport may submit their applications to the Passport Department in Kathmandu, subject to approval by the regional or district office. Emergency passports can be issued by the office within one, two, or three days. Expedited services are not available in the Ministry of Labor, Regional Ministry of Labor, and Nepalese foreign ministries. When requesting emergency service to the Department, you must bring the following documents with you. For minors, Parents or elders must be present.

  • Copy of Online Application Form
  • Original and 1 copy of Nepal Citizenship Certificate
  • Photo declaration from Regional Office
  • E-Passport Fee

How much does it cost to issue an e-passport in Nepal?

The cost of issuing an e-passport depends on the number of pages you want.

Number of Pages in the E-Passport

Cost of issuing an E-Passport

34 Pages

Rs. 5,000

66 Pages

Rs. 10,000

34 Pages (Immediately)

Rs. 12,000

66 Pages (Immediately)

Rs. 20,000


Who was the first person to receive an e-passport in Nepal?

The service was launched on March 1 last year with the first e-passport to Satya Mohan Joshi, a culture scholar.

What is the difference between ePassport and non ePassport?

An ePassport (electronic passport) contains a microchip storing biometric data, enhancing security and facilitating automated border control, while a non-ePassport lacks this technology.

Does ePassport expire?

Yes, ePassports, like non-ePassports, have an expiration date. Typically, ePassports are valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for minors.

What is the purpose of an E-Passport?

The primary purpose of an E-Passport is to enhance security by storing biometric data and digital information, making it harder to counterfeit and streamlining immigration processes at borders.

What is the 6 month passport rule?

The 6-month passport rule states that your passport must be valid for another six months before you depart for international travel.

How long does it take to get e-passport in Nepal?

It generally takes 2 to 3 working days after the enrollment. It may take some extra time if photograph as per ICAO criteria is not met and the details of citizenship, old passport, National Identity Card and other important document are not verified.


Nepalese Passports have been considered one of the weakest in the world, Changing the MRP to E-Passport will probably help increase our strength by securing the authenticity of the passports and keeping up with other nations with strong passports. If you have an MRP, do not worry, you do not have to convert to E-Passports now. You will be fine till it expires. The process is almost the same to get your e-passports and is even quicker and more efficient now.

Your passport is a vital document that lets you explore the world, so keep it safe and secure and make sure the dates are right!