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Mutual Fund Investment in Nepal: Everything you need to know

Mutual fund investment in Nepal has become a popular investment option for individuals looking to grow their wealth and achieve their financial goals. But what exactly are mutual funds, and why should you consider them as part of your investment strategy? Mutual fund investment is also one of the top 10 assets in Nepal. In this article, we will delve into the world of mutual funds, exploring their benefits, drawbacks, and common misconceptions.

What are mutual funds?

A mutual fund is essentially an investment instrument that combines money from several participants to construct a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets. These funds are managed by professional fund managers, who make investment choices on behalf of the investors.

Types of Mutual Funds

When it comes to mutual funds, there are two primary types: open-ended mutual funds and closed-ended mutual funds. Let’s explore each of these types and their unique characteristics.

1. Open-Ended Mutual Fund

Open-ended mutual funds are the most common type of mutual funds available to investors. These funds do not have a fixed number of shares, and the fund company continuously issues new shares to investors. As a result, open-ended mutual funds are not listed on the NEPSE stock exchange, you may only purchase or sell your shares with the fund issuer based on the NAV (Net Asset Value) of your share on the previous day. The NAV of a share is regularly updated on the fund’s website. In this way open-ended mutual funds offer liquidity and flexibility, allowing investors to buy or sell the fund at any time.

2. Closed-Ended Mutual Fund

Unlike open-ended mutual funds, closed-ended mutual funds have a fixed number of shares. These funds issue a specific number of shares through an initial public offering (IPO), after which they are traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks. Investors can buy or sell closed-ended mutual fund shares on the secondary market, subject to supply and demand dynamics. Closed-ended funds may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value(NAV).

Why consider mutual funds as an investment option?

Mutual funds have various features that make them an attractive alternative for investors. For starters, they provide diversity by letting you spread your investment over a variety of securities, reducing the impact of particular investing risks. Furthermore, mutual funds are managed by specialists who have competence in assessing markets and picking assets, minimizing the stress of individual stock selection.

Benefits of investing in mutual funds

  • Accessibility: Mutual funds are open to both small and large investors.
  • Affordability: Mutual funds allow investors with limited capital to invest.
  • Professional Management: Mutual funds are managed by experienced fund managers who make investment decisions on behalf of investors, leveraging their expertise and knowledge.
  • Diversification: Mutual funds provide instant diversification by investing in a wide range of securities, reducing the risk associated with individual investments.
  • Liquidity: Investors can buy or sell mutual fund units at the Net Asset Value (NAV) on any business day, providing liquidity and flexibility.
  • Time-Saving: Mutual funds save investors time and effort as the fund manager takes care of research, analysis, and portfolio management.
  • Transparency: Mutual funds provide regular updates on the fund’s performance, holdings, and fees, ensuring transparency for investors.
  • Automatic Reinvestment: Mutual funds reinvest dividends and capital gains automatically, allowing for potential compounding of investment returns.

Drawbacks of mutual funds

The drawbacks of mutual fund investments:

  • Fees and expenses: Mutual funds have associated costs, such as management fees, which can reduce overall returns.
  • Lack of control: Investors rely on fund managers’ decisions, limiting control over individual investments.
  • Potential for underperformance: Despite professional management, mutual funds can still underperform due to various factors.
  • Tax implications: Mutual fund investments may have tax consequences, impacting overall returns.
  • Over diversification: Some funds can be overly diversified, potentially limiting higher returns.

Common misconceptions about mutual funds

Some common misunderstandings about mutual funds might put off potential investors. One prevalent misperception is that mutual funds are only appropriate for cautious investors. While some funds specialize in low-risk investing, others specialize in aggressive growth for individuals wanting bigger returns. Another common misunderstanding is that all mutual funds are the same. Mutual funds, in actuality, differ in terms of investing strategy, risk profile, and asset allocation. Before investing, it is critical to know these distinctions.

How Mutual Funds Work

To understand how mutual funds operate, it’s important to grasp the key elements involved, such as fund managers, net asset value (NAV), units and unit prices, expense ratios and fees, as well as entry and exit loads.

  • Fund managers and their role

Fund managers are professionals responsible for managing the mutual fund’s portfolio. They conduct in-depth research, analyze market trends, and make investment decisions based on the fund’s objectives. Fund managers play a crucial role in the fund’s performance and are responsible for selecting the appropriate securities, rebalancing the portfolio, and ensuring alignment with the fund’s investment strategy.

  • Net Asset Value (NAV)

The net asset value (NAV) represents the per-unit value of a mutual fund’s portfolio. It is calculated by dividing the total value of the fund’s assets minus liabilities by the total number of units outstanding. NAV is typically calculated at the end of each business day and serves as the basis for buying or selling mutual fund units.

  • Units and unit prices

Mutual fund units represent the ownership interest an investor holds in the fund. Each unit represents a proportional share of the fund’s assets. The unit price is derived from the NAV and determines the cost of buying or selling mutual fund units. The unit price fluctuates based on the performance of the fund’s underlying securities.

  • Expense ratios and fees

Mutual funds incur various expenses, including management fees, administrative fees, and operating expenses. The total expenses borne by investors are expressed as the expense ratio, which is the percentage of the fund’s assets deducted annually to cover these costs. It’s important to consider expense ratios when selecting a mutual fund, as lower expenses can have a positive impact on long-term returns.

  • Entry and exit loads

Some mutual funds charge entry and exit loads, which are fees levied when an investor enters or exits the fund. These loads are expressed as a percentage of the investment amount and are meant to cover sales and marketing expenses. While not all mutual funds charge loads, it’s essential to be aware of these fees as they can impact the overall returns.

Selecting the Right Mutual Fund

Choosing the right mutual fund is crucial to align your investment goals and risk tolerance with the fund’s characteristics. Here are key factors to consider when selecting a mutual fund:

  • Assessing investment goals and risk tolerance

Before investing, it’s essential to identify your investment goals, such as capital appreciation, regular income, or a combination of both. Additionally, understanding your risk tolerance is crucial as different mutual funds carry varying levels of risk. By assessing these factors, you can narrow down your options and choose funds that align with your objectives.

  • Evaluating past performance

While past performance is not indicative of future results, evaluating a fund’s historical performance can provide insights into its track record. Consider a fund’s performance over different market cycles and compare it to relevant benchmarks or peer group averages. However, keep in mind that past performance alone should not be the sole determinant of your investment decision.

  • Analyzing fund manager expertise

The expertise and experience of the fund manager play a significant role in a mutual fund’s performance. Research the fund manager’s track record, investment philosophy, and approach to ensure they align with your investment objectives. Look for managers who have demonstrated consistent results and a disciplined investment approach.

  • Considering expense ratios and fees

Expense ratios directly impact your investment returns. Compare the expense ratios of different funds within the same category and consider whether the fund’s performance justifies the costs. Lower expense ratios can contribute to higher net returns over the long term.

  • Understanding the fund’s investment strategy and philosophy

Each mutual fund has a unique investment strategy and philosophy that determines its asset allocation, sector focus, and risk appetite. Understanding the fund’s approach will help you determine whether it aligns with your investment goals and preferences. Consider factors such as the fund’s sector diversification, concentration of holdings, and adherence to specific investment styles.

Investing in Mutual Funds

Once you have selected the right mutual fund, it’s time to embark on your investment journey. Here are key aspects to consider when investing in mutual funds:

  • Opening a mutual fund account

To invest in a mutual fund, you need to open an account with the fund house or an authorized distributor. The account opening process typically involves submitting relevant documents, such as the Know Your Customer (KYC) form, proof of identity, and proof of address. Ensure you comply with the requirements to start investing.

  • Investment options: Lump sum vs. systematic investment plans (SIPs)

Mutual funds offer two primary investment options: lump sum investments and systematic investment plans (SIPs). Lump sum investments involve investing a significant amount at once, while SIPs allow you to invest small amounts at regular intervals. SIPs provide the benefit of rupee cost averaging and can be suitable for investors looking to invest systematically over a more extended period.

  • Understanding the Know Your Customer (KYC) process

The Know Your Customer (KYC) process is a mandatory requirement for investing in mutual funds. It involves providing relevant identification documents and completing the KYC form to comply with regulatory guidelines. The KYC process helps mutual fund companies verify investors’ identities and prevent fraudulent activities.

  • Choosing between growth and dividend options

Mutual funds offer different options, such as growth and dividend plans. In the growth option, any profits made by the fund are reinvested, leading to capital appreciation over time. In the dividend option, the fund may distribute profits to investors periodically. Consider your investment goals and tax implications when selecting between these options.

  • Setting realistic investment expectations

Investing in mutual funds requires setting realistic expectations. Understand that mutual fund returns are subject to market fluctuations and can vary over different time horizons. It’s essential to have a long-term perspective, as short-term market volatility can impact returns. Align your expectations with your investment goals and the risk profile of the chosen mutual fund.

Risks Associated with Mutual Fund Investments

While mutual funds offer diversification and professional management, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks involved. Here are some risks associated with mutual fund investments:

  • Market risk

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, including the potential loss of principal. Fluctuations in the stock market or bond market can impact the value of the underlying securities and consequently affect the fund’s performance.

  • Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk refers to the possibility of not being able to buy or sell mutual fund units quickly enough at a fair price. Illiquid securities within the fund’s portfolio or market conditions may hinder the fund’s ability to meet redemption requests.

  • Credit risk

Credit risk arises from the possibility of default by issuers of the debt securities held in a mutual fund’s portfolio. If the issuer fails to make timely interest or principal payments, it can adversely affect the fund’s performance.

  • Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk refers to the impact of changes in interest rates on bond prices. When interest rates rise, bond prices typically decline, leading to potential losses for bond-focused mutual funds.

  • Inflation risk

Inflation risk arises from the erosion of purchasing power over time. If the rate of inflation exceeds the return on investment, the real value of the invested capital may decrease.

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Can I lose money investing in mutual funds?

While mutual funds offer the potential for investment growth, there is also the risk of losing money. Market fluctuations, economic conditions, and other factors can impact the value of the fund's assets and, consequently, the investor's returns.

How long should I stay invested in a mutual fund?

The ideal investment duration for a mutual fund depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance. Mutual funds are generally considered long-term investments, and staying invested for a longer duration can potentially provide higher returns.

Are mutual funds better than direct stock investments?

Mutual funds and direct stock investments cater to different investment preferences and risk profiles. Mutual funds provide diversification and professional management, making them suitable for those seeking a diversified approach. Direct stock investments offer more control but require research and monitoring.

Can I switch between mutual funds?

Many mutual funds offer the flexibility to switch between different funds within the same fund family. However, it's important to consider any associated costs, tax implications, and the impact on your investment strategy before making a switch.

What are the tax implications of mutual fund investments?

Tax implications vary based on factors such as the type of mutual fund, the holding period, and the investor's tax jurisdiction. Capital gains from mutual funds are subject to taxation, either as short-term or long-term capital gains, depending on the holding period.


Mutual funds provide individuals with an opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio managed by professionals. By understanding the fundamentals of mutual funds, exploring different types, comprehending their working mechanisms, selecting the right funds, and considering associated risks, you can make informed investment decisions. Remember to set realistic expectations, stay informed, and adopt a long-term perspective to maximize the benefits of mutual fund investments. Diversify your portfolio, monitor your investments regularly, and seek professional advice if needed.