News Finance

Understanding Paid-Up Capital: What Every Business Owner Should Know

Every business owner should have a solid understanding of the fundamental financial concept of paid-up capital. It is essential in figuring out a company’s financial stability and health. A company’s share capital can be raised by public involvement, which is one goal of an IPO. Paid-up capital is a term used to describe one of a company’s share capital types. However, today we are going to address the factors that affect the paid-up capital as well as its characteristics and importance.

What is Paid-Up Capital?

The amount of money shareholders have given a corporation in return for equity is known as paid-up capital. A firm generates paid-up capital when it sells its shares to investors on the open market, typically through an initial public offering (IPO). No new paid-up capital is produced when investors trade shares on the secondary market since the selling shareholders receive the money rather than the issuing business.

Factors Determining the Paid-Up Capitals?

Paid-up capital is calculated by multiplying the number of shares issued by the price at which they were issued. For example, if a company issues 1,000 shares at $10 per share, the paid-up capital would be $10,000. As shareholders purchase more shares or the company issues additional shares, the paid-up capital increases. The following are the factors that determine the Paid-up Capital:

  • Business Type: The kind and size of your company can have a big impact on the amount of paid-up capital needed. Higher capital requirements are usual for larger, more sophisticated enterprises.
  • Industry Standards: Businesses may be required to abide by certain capital requirements or regulations in some sectors.
  • Market Conditions: The quantity of capital investors are ready to provide can be influenced by market demand and economic conditions.

How does Paid-up capital work?

Anyone involved in business operations or investment choices must have a solid grasp of paid-up capital since it is a crucial part of a company’s financial structure. When shareholders make financial commitments by buying firm shares, this capital is created. The quantity of shares issued and the price at which they are issued define the value of paid-up capital. It is essential to the company’s capacity to maintain its financial stability since it acts as a safety net of real money that can be used to pay for both early starting fees and continuing operating costs. 

Paid-up capital, as opposed to loans or debt, does not have to be returned to shareholders; instead, it stays permanently invested in the business, enhancing its long-term financial stability. Paid-up capital, which represents the shareholders‘ ownership interest, is included in shareholder equity on the company’s balance sheet. The fact that many nations have legal requirements for a minimal amount of paid-up capital that firms must keep in order to operate legally also makes it important in the eyes of regulators.

Why is Paid-up capital Important?

A company’s financial environment is significantly shaped by its paid-up capital. First and foremost, it acts as the foundation of monetary stability by providing a safety net of cash to pay for both early launch expenditures and continuing operations costs. This financial safety net is especially important when a company is just getting started and profitability is hazy. The trustworthiness of a corporation is also strengthened by a high paid-up capital level. It makes a clear statement to creditors, investors, and possible business partners that stockholders have a significant stake in the company. This promotes trust and confidence in the business’s capacity to handle financial difficulties and keep its promises.

Its importance is further reinforced by the various countries’ regulatory requirements for minimum paid-up capital. Penalties or even the inability to conduct business legally may result from non-compliance. Paid-up capital also increases a company’s ability to borrow money since lenders consider it positively when determining a company’s creditworthiness. Last but not least, investors are drawn to companies with robust paid-up capital since it implies a sincere commitment from the current owners, which lowers perceived risks and makes the firm a more appealing investment prospect.

A larger paid-up capital can also help a company’s borrowing capability because lenders frequently take it into account when determining creditworthiness. Last but not least, a firm with a high paid-up capital may draw investors since it shows a strong commitment from its current owners, which lowers perceived risks and makes the company a more desirable investment option

Characteristics of Paid-Up Capital

  • Paid-up capital serves as a proxy for shareholders‘ ownership interests in the business. By purchasing business stock, shareholders can become owners, and their investment is represented in the paid-up capital.
  • Paid-up capital is seen as a permanent kind of capital since, unlike loans and debt, it is not intended to be repaid to shareholders. It supports ongoing business operations and growth and stays involved in the firm over the long term.
  •  Paid-up capital is provided by a company’s founders or early investors to begin operations. This initial capitalization provides the money needed to pay for launch expenses, buy assets, and finance first operations.
  • To function lawfully, a corporation must maintain a minimum of paid-up capital as required by law in many nations and jurisdictions. These specifications were put in place to make sure that companies had a minimal amount of financial stability and could fulfill their responsibilities.
  • Paid-up capital functions as the company’s financial safety net. It serves as a buffer against financial troubles, assisting the company to withstand downturns in the economy, unforeseen costs, or losses.
  • Paid-up capital is a part of shareholder equity on the balance sheet of the corporation. Paid-up capital is one of the sources of this equity, which reflects the company’s remaining stake in its assets after obligations have been subtracted.
  • Potential investors, creditors, and business partners may have more faith in a company with a greater paid-up capital. It shows that current investors are dedicated to the company’s development and are prepared to devote considerable money.
  • Paid-up capital is one factor in the basis for valuation, which affects how much a firm is worth. Investors and analysts frequently compare the paid-up capital to other financial measures when determining a company’s worth.
  • Companies have the option to raise their paid-up capital by issuing more shares to buy, even if there may be regulatory limitations for a minimum amount. With this flexibility, they can obtain more equity capital if necessary.

Authorized Capital vs. Paid-up Capital. 

Authorized capital, sometimes referred to as authorized shares or registered capital, is the most capital that a business is permitted by law to distribute to its shareholders. It is the top limit specified in the charter or articles of formation of the firm whereas the term “paid-up capital,” also known as “paid-in capital” or “contributed capital,” refers to the real sum of money that shareholders have contributed to the business by acquiring shares. The amount of permitted capital that has been issued and paid for by shareholders is known as the authorized capital.

AspectAuthorized CapitalPaid-Up Capital
RepresentsPotential capital issued by the company.Actual capital invested by shareholders.
Initial SettingSpecified in the articles of incorporation.Determined by shares issued and their value.
FlexibilityCan be adjusted through formal processes.Varies with share issuance and investments.
PurposeSets the upper limit for equity shares.Reflects tangible funds available for use.
Legal RequirementMandatory in some jurisdictions.Not a legal requirement but affects compliance.
RelationshipMay be higher than, equal to, or lower than paid-up capital.Always a portion of authorized capital.
Change ProcessTypically requires formal processes and regulatory approvals.Changes with additional share purchases or issuances.
ExampleAuthorized capital: $1 million, Paid-up capital: $500,000.Shareholders invest $500,000; paid-up capital is $500,000.

Minimum Paid-up Capital Required for Companies

The Nepal Insurance Authority, formerly known as the Insurance Board of Nepal, initially gave insurance companies a year to increase their paid-up capital. Due to most firms not meeting the required limit, they extended the deadline until the end of the current fiscal year (mid-July).

The authority set a minimum paid-up capital of NPR 5 billion for life insurance firms and NPR 2.5 billion for non-life insurance. This was a significant increase from the previous requirements of NPR 2 billion for life insurers and NPR 1 billion for non-life insurers.

However, as the deadline neared, only a handful of companies met the new capital requirements. In the life insurance sector, Nepal Life Insurance, Himalayan Life Insurance, and National Life Insurance reached the specified levels. In the non-life insurance category, IGI Prudential Insurance, Siddharth Premier Insurance, Shikhar Insurance, and Sagarmatha Lumbini Insurance also met the capital requirements.

It’s vital to remember that overseas company branches were not required to increase their capital. This regulation change sought to improve the financial soundness of Nepali insurance businesses.

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Can paid-up capital be zero?

No, paid-up capital cannot be zero. It represents the actual funds invested by shareholders and is a fundamental financial metric for a company. Having no paid-up capital would mean there are no shareholder investments in the company, which is not a viable or legal business structure in most jurisdictions.

Why is paid-up capital important?

Paid-up capital is important because it ensures financial stability and money for operating costs, especially in the beginning. Credibility is increased, stakeholders are seen to be committed, and investors are drawn in. Its relevance is further highlighted by the legal requirements and the effect it has on borrowing power.

Can I change my paid-up capital?

Yes, you can change your paid-up capital by issuing additional shares or buying back existing shares, subject to legal and regulatory requirements. The process typically involves shareholder approval and may impact the company's financial structure and ownership distribution.

What is meant by paid-up capital?

Paid-up capital is the money a company collects when it gives out shares to its owners.

How is paid-up capital calculated?

Paid-up capital is calculated using the following formula: Paid-up Capital = (TSR – LT Debt) + LT Equity. where: TSR: Total Shareholder's Funds, LT Debt: Long-term debt, and LT Equity: long-term equity


Having paid-up capital is essential for running a company as it goes beyond just being a financial metric. Understanding its importance and effectively managing it can contribute to the long-term growth and sustainability of your business. Paying close attention to your paid-up capital is crucial for making educated financial decisions and developing trust with stakeholders, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned business owner.

News Finance

Exploring the Best Banks in Nepal for Your Financial Needs

Nepal’s banking sector has witnessed remarkable growth and transformation over the years, offering a wide range of financial services to its customers. With numerous banks serving the diverse needs of individuals and businesses, it can be challenging to determine which ones stand out. 

For any person or even a corporate organization, banks are fairly important. Banks are the preferred method for transferring money, conducting transactions, and storing money for security. Loans and other services are offered by reputable banks in Nepal at affordable prices. All the banks in Nepal remain under the supervision of the central bank.

In this article, we will explore the best banks in Nepal that are distinguished for their unique offerings and commitment to excellence in the financial industry. The best banks in Nepal are categorized on the following basis:

    • Paid-up capital
    • Earning per share (EPS)
    • Reserve and surplus
    • Net profit
    • Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
    • Non-Performing Loan

Top 10 banks in Nepal

Paid up Capital

The following are the best banks in Nepal on the basis of Paid Up Capital.

S.NCompaniesSymbolPaid-up Capital (in Arba)
1Global IME Bank LtdGBIME35.77
2Nepal Investment Mega Bank LtdNIMB34.13
3Nabil Bank LimitedNABIL27.06
4Kumari Bank LtdKBL26.23
5Prabhu Bank LtdPRVU23.54
6Himalayan Bank LtdHBL34
7Prime Commercial Bank LtdPCBL19.40
8Agricultural Development Bank LtdADBL18.88
9NMB Bank LtdNMB18.37
10Rastriya Banijya Bank LtdRBB15.64

Earning Per Share (EPS)

The following are the best banks in Nepal on the basis of Earnings Per Share.

S.NCompaniesSymbolPaid-up Capital (in Arba)
1NIC Asia Bank LtdNICA46.29
2Standard Chartered Bank LtdSCB36.91
3Everest Bank LtdEBL30.74
4Rastriya Banijya Bank LtdRBB30.50
5Nabil Bank LtdNABIL25.21
6Nepal SBI Bank LtdSBI23.76
7NMB Bank LtdNMB19.47
8Sanima Bank LtdSANIMA18.32
9Machhapuchhare Bank LtdMBL17.57
10Prime Commercial Bank LtdPCBL16.96

Reserve and Surplus

The following are the best banks in Nepal on the basis of Reverse and Surplus.

S.NCompaniesSymbolPaid-up Capital (in Arba)
1Nabil Bank LtdNABIL27.35
2Standard Chartered Bank LtdSCB22.82
3Nepal Bank LtdNBL20.86
4Global IME Bank LtdGBIME20.03
5Rastriya Banijya Bank LtdRBB19.60
6NIC Asia Bank LtdNICA23.76
7Agricultural Development Bank LtdADBL13.76
8Everest Bank LtdEBL13.46
9Himalayan Bank LtdHBL12.16
10Kumari Bank LtdKBL10.57

Net Profit

The following are the best banks in Nepal on the basis of Net Profit.

S.NCompaniesSymbolNet Profit (in Arba)
1Nabil Bank LtdNABIL7.53
2Global IME Bank LtdGBIME4.36
3Rastriya Banijya Bank LtdRBB4.92
4NIC Asia Bank LtdNICA4.65
5Nepal Investment Mega Bank LtdNIMB4.29
6Standard Chartered Bank LtdSCB3.53
7NMB Bank LtdNMB3.41
8Nepal Bank LtdNBL3.41
9Everest Bank LtdEBL3.39
10Himalayan Bank LtdHBL3.27

Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)

The following are the best banks in Nepal on the basis of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)

S.NCompaniesSymbolCAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio)
1Standard Chartered Bank LtdSCB17.12
2Agricultural Development Bank LtdADBL15.05
3Nepal Bank LtdNBL14.79
4Sanima Bank LtdSANIMA14.13
5Nepal Investment Mega Bank LtdNIMB14.10
6Rastriya Banijya Bank LtdRBB13.65
7Machhapuchare Bank LtdMBL13.57
8Laxmi Sunrise Bank LtdLSBL13.43
9NIC Asia Bank LtdNICA13.39
10Global IME Bank LtdGBIME13.37

Non-Performing Loan

The following are the best banks in Nepal on the basis of NPL

S.NCompaniesSymbolNPL (Non-Performing Loans Ratio)
1Everest Bank LtdEBL0.79%
2NIC Asia Bank LtdNICA0.80%
3Standard Chartered Bank LtdSCB1.17%
4Nabil Bank LtdNABIL1.23%
5Sanima Bank LtdSANIMA1.30%
6Siddhartha Bank LtdSBL2.01%
7Machhapuchare Bank LtdMBL2.12%
8Nepal SBI Bank LtdSBI2.43%
9Agricultural Development Bank LtdADBL2.48%
10NMB Bank LtdNMB2.72%

Global IME Bank, which among its competitors has the highest paid-up capital, has posted earnings of 4.35 billion. The company with the highest Earnings Per Share (EPS), NIC Asia Bank, trades under the code NICA and has an EPS of Rs. 46.29. The biggest net profit was recorded by Nabil Bank, reaching Rs 7.53 Arba. Having a high level of financial stability, Standard Chartered Bank Ltd. has taken the top spot with a Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 17.12. However, Everest Bank is in first place with the lowest non-performing loan ratio, which is a remarkable 0.79%.

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Which is the best bank in Nepal 2023?

Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited (NIMB) has been honored with the “Best Bank in Nepal” at the Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2023.

Which bank is best for deposits in Nepal?

Global IME Bank (GBIME)has the highest deposits from customers among the commercial banks of Nepal.

Which is the safest bank in Nepal?

Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) is the most trusted and safest bank fully owned by the Government of Nepal.

What is the best time to bank in money 2023?

The most auspicious hours to deposit money are 9am – 11am and 11am – 1pm.

Which bank gives the highest interest rate on FD in Nepal?

Corporate Dev · 12.00% gives the highest interest Rate on FD in Nepal.

Which is the No 1 Bank of Nepal?

Certainly, here's the corrected sentence with proper grammar: These banks have had good performance in the past and can be considered as the number one banks: Global IME Bank Ltd, Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd, Nabil Bank Limited, NABIL, and Kumari Bank Ltd.


These banks provide a wide range of alternatives to satisfy your needs, whether you’re an individual seeking simple banking services or a corporation in need of specialized financial solutions. These organizations are anticipated to play a significant role in determining the financial landscape of Nepal for many years to come as the country’s economy expands.